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Issued 3 November 2010
For immediate release
Graduates inspired by APS leaders
At a special annual event hosted today by the Australian Public Service Commission, APS graduates
were provided with an opportunity to hear from and pose questions to four inspiring Senior Executive
leaders who commenced their careers in the APS as graduates.
Candid Reflections from inspiring APS Leaders is a Parkinson-style interview discussion, now in its
4th year. It was held today in the Hellenic Club of Canberra with over 600 graduates, their supervisors
and coordinators along with agency representatives from across 35 APS agencies in attendance.
Ms Carmel McGregor, Deputy Public Service Commissioner, chaired the event and drew on the
insights of four inspiring SES leaders
Mr Ed Killesteyn, PSM
Electoral Commissioner
Australian Electoral Commissioner
Mr Geoff Leeper
Deputy Secretary
Department of Climate Change and Energy
Ms Claire Howlett
Assistant Secretary
Finance & Aquatic Partnerships Branch
Department of Sustainability, Environment,
Water, Population and Communities
Mr Scott Gregson
Group General Manager
Enforcement Operations Group
Australian Competition and Consumer
wide range of topics were discussed including their pathways to success, leadership style, lessons
learnt about being a leader, motivating staff, and building credibility.
Ms McGregor noted that
Todays APS Graduate must be able to rise to the challenges presented to them, thrive in
working in a team environment and be focused and committed to creating a better APS for
the future. Graduates develop skills that enable them to become middle and senior
managers within the APS. Providing them with these developmental opportunities is vital
to ensuring the APS retains talent for the future
The Graduate Development Program and its three flagship events, A Taste of Government,
The Great APS Debate and Candid Reflections provide graduates with a variety of unique
networking opportunities, to hear first hand from Senior Executive leaders, on issues facing
the APS today. There is no doubt that graduates benefit enormously from such robust
learning and development opportunities, and that the Australian citizen is the beneficiary of
a stronger client focus and service delivery that results from such training.
Media Contact:
Clare Page
Group Manager, APSC Product & Services Group
Australian Public Service Commission
(02) 6202 3761 / 0438 806 242