Leading Australian Arbitration Body Welcomes Government Reform

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26th November 2009, 03:03pm - Views: 1013

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Leading Australian Arbitration Body Welcomes Government Reform

SYDNEY, Nov. 26 /Medianet International-AsiaNet/ --

   The President of the Australian Centre for Commercial International

Arbitration (ACICA), Douglas Jones AM, today welcomed amendments to the International Arbitration Act

1974 (Cth) introduced into Parliament by the Australian Attorney General, the Hon Robert McClelland.

   Professor Jones said these changes will position Australia as a key player

in international commercial arbitration.

   "Arbitration is a multi-billion industry. It offers flexibility, enforceability and cost efficiency for parties in


   "The anticipated increase of international arbitrations in Australia will

provide considerable financial benefits to the Australian economy."

   "We congratulate the Attorney General for taking the lead in this long

overdue reform agenda.

   In line with the change to the legal framework, ACICA has streamlined its

arbitration rules for dispute resolution.

   Further initiatives will be announced at the ACICA Conference:

International Commercial Arbitration: Efficient, Effective, Economical?

to be held on 4 December.

   For more information: Gianna Totaro

                         Media Relations 

                         +61 438 337 328 


   SOURCE: Australian Centre for Commercial International Arbitration

   About the Australian Centre for Commercial Arbitration (ACICA)

The Australian Centre for International Commercial Arbitration (ACICA) is Australia's only international arbitral

institution. Established in 1985 as a not-for-profit public company, its membership includes world leading

practitioners and academics expert in the field of international and domestic commercial arbitration. ACICA

aims to educate, promote and encourage the use of international commercial arbitration as a means of dispute



Douglas Jones AM RFD

Vice Presidents

Alex Baykitch

Ian Govey

Peter Megens

Immediate Past President

Michael Pryles AM

Board Members

James N Creer

Richard Garnett

Laurie Glanfield AM

Peter Harris

Malcolm Holmes QC

The Hon. Michael Kirby AC CMG

Robert Kus

Judith Levine

Peter McQueen

Gabriël Moens

Ian Nosworthy

Robert Regan

Ronald Salter

Michael Shand QC

Geoff McClellan

Georgia Quick

Director of Arbitration

David Fairlie

Secretary General

Emma Matthews

Head Office

Level 6, 50 Park Street

Sydney NSW 2000


Ph: +61 2 9286 3591

Fax: + 61 2 9267 3125


Deputy Secretary General

Jonathon DeBoos

Melbourne Office

Level 18, 333 Collins Street

Melbourne VIC 3000


Ph: +61 3 9286 6328

Fax: +61 3 9286 6460


Deputy Secretary General

Gabriël Moens

Perth Office

Western Australian Institute for Dispute


South Street, Murdoch WA 6150

Ph: +61 8 9360 7563


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