Queensland's Diversity Showcased Through Government Funding

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15th February 2010, 04:01am - Views: 916
Queensland's Diversity Showcased Through Government Funding

Queensland community groups will receive more than $230 000 in funding under the Australian Government's Diverse Australia Program, the Parliamentary Secretary for Multicultural Affairs and Settlement Services, Laurie Ferguson, announced today in the lead up to Harmony Day on March 21.

"The Diverse Australia Program promotes a sense of respect and belonging for everyone in all Australian communities," Mr Ferguson said.

"The program provides funding, education and information to organisations that wish to create a spirit of inclusiveness and to ensure all Australians are treated fairly regardless of their background and circumstances.

"In Queensland, I am impressed by the range and creativity of projects that the community sector has proposed and I am very much looking forward to seeing the results.

"Among the recipients, Contact Inc will receive $48 000 for its Creative minds on common ground project, in which young people will make a DVD of dance, music and song. The project aims to challenge perceptions and build relationships.

"Griffith University will receive $32 300 for its Live stories: Drama, education and community development project, which aims to unite the community through drama workshops in schools and community centres."

The Catholic Diocese of Toowoomba will conduct the Australian African fathers and sons project with a grant of $9000, which will provide a safe environment for mentoring and parenting.

"This project will help boys with African backgrounds to participate in community activities and understand the rights and responsibilities they have in Australian society," Mr Ferguson said.

"All of these projects are helping people in Queensland to develop strong networks and a clear sense of community."

Full details of grants recipients in Queensland and further information on Diverse Australia Program Community Grants 2009 and Harmony Day events are available at www.harmony.gov.au

Media Contact Carla Wilshire 0432 755 935

SURCE: Laurie Ferguson, Parliamentary Secretary for Multicultural Affairs and
Settlement Services

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