Response To Ombudsman's Report On Child Protection

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26th November 2009, 04:33pm - Views: 1074

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Media release

From MacKillop Family Services for immediate release

Thursday 26 November 2009

Media Statement from Micaela Cronin, CEO of MacKillop Family Services

MacKillop Family Services is concerned and deeply saddened by the evidence of children

suffering as a result of instances of poor practice, as outlined in the Victorian Ombudsman’s

report into the Child Protection system.  

This report must be a call to action for the State Government and the entire community to

never allow such mistakes to happen again. 

We are not surprised that there have been mistakes in a system that is stretched and under

pressure.  While Victoria has a leading edge legislative framework we have never seen the

investment required to support those reforms – from early intervention right through to the

child protection system. 

We support increased powers for the Office of the Child Safety Commissioner as outlined in

the Ombudsman’s Report. In addition, we believe the Office should be independent from the

Department of Human Services to allow for an independent voice on behalf of children.

Less than two weeks ago the Prime Minister made an historic apology to the Forgotten

Australians.  The response on that day showed us all the lasting impacts that neglect and

abuse can have on children.  That day had special significance for me and reinforced the

work of MacKillop in ensuring that the children in our care are protected and supported and

shown love.  

We must learn from the life long impacts of childhood abuse and neglect and ensure we work

to ensure that every child is cared for and supported.  We must listen to the voices of the

children in our care and put their needs at the centre of our decision making.  

MacKillop is determined to make a difference, to promote justice and foster hope.  We pride

ourselves on doing whatever it takes to improve the lives of the people with whom we work.

End of statement


For all Media enquiries please contact David Imber on 0413 274 204.  For on the record

comments please contact CEO Micaela Cronin on 0414 655 406.

About MacKillop:

MacKillop is a community services organisation that is one of the largest providers of

specialist services to vulnerable and disadvantaged children, young people and their families. 

We have a range of programs in Melbourne and Victoria and Western Sydney and NSW.  

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