Australian Social Trends - To Be Released 23 July

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9th July 2008, 02:00pm - Views: 1149

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July 9, 2008


Attention: Chiefs of Staff and News Editors

Australian Social Trends – to be released 23 July

The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) annual analysis of society - Australian Social

Trends - will be released Wednesday 23 July at 11.30 am (AEST).

Australian Social Trends is a 250 page reference to Australia's current social conditions

and it provides a rich source of story material for both news and feature writers.

This year, Social Trends includes articles on first home-buyers and renter households,

mineral boom towns, families with a child with a disability, adult literacy, complementary

therapies, women's incomes, internet access and public transport use.

Printed copies are available by preorder only. 

These will be available for pick up from ABS capital city offices from 11.30 am on release


Pre-ordered Canberra Press Gallery copies will be delivered on the day.

The ABS will also be taking interview appointments as an ABS spokesperson will be

available in the Press Gallery for interviews/assistance on release day.

Printed copies must be pre-ordered by 12.00 pm Thursday 17 July to ensure availability.

Australian Social Trends  will also be available for free download from the ABS website on

To request copies of Australian Social Trends 2008, complete the details below and either

fax to (02) 6252 8002 or 

email your details to by 12.00 pm Thursday 17 July 2008.





Quantity required:

Collection details – please tick (and indicate which state if picking up)

      I will pick up from the ABS office in my capital city.

      Please deliver to the Canberra Press Gallery.

FURTHER INFORMATION:  Corporate Communications Section

Richard Lynch (02) 6252 6139; 0407 107 931

Ilona Fraser (02) 6252 7480, 0418 202 580

Australian Social Trends 2008 - list of chapters and articles


Population distribution - looks at population growth

in urban, regional and remote areas of Australia

between 1996 and 2006.  

Towns of the mineral boom - highlights some of the

key socio-demographic changes experienced by 12

high-growth mining towns between the 2001 and

2006 Censuses.

How many children have women in Australia had?

- examines changes in the number of children had by

different generations of women and by women from

different backgrounds. 


Families with a young child with a disability -

examines the characteristics of these families and the

effect of the caring role on relationships.

Voluntary work

looks at the characteristics of people who volunteer

on a regular basis and the types of organisations and

activities for which they volunteer.

Social participation of migrants - examines several

areas of social participation, such as contact with

friends and sources of support, in the context of

whether migrants came from main English-speaking

countries or not.


Risk taking by young people - focuses on

behaviours such as risky drinking, illicit drug use and

dangerous driving by people aged 15–24 years.

People with a need for assistance - examines the

prevalence rates of people needing help with the

tasks of daily living due to a long-term health

condition, disability or old age.

Complementary therapies - presents information on

the number and characteristics of complementary

health professionals and of the people who consult



Education across Australia - focuses on 

educational attainment levels and participation in

education and how this varies by geographic location

and by Indigenous status.

Adult literacy - considers the relationship between

literacy skills and a range of factors such as

educational level, health and age.

Adult learning - examines the participation of 2564

year olds in formal and informal learning, including

why people participate in learning, what they study

and obstacles to learning. 


Labour force participation across Australia -

discusses how labour force participation rates differ

by age, sex and locality.

Barriers to work - reports on the circumstances of

those seeking a job or more hours of work, as well

as the difficulties these people had in finding work.

Trade union members - describes trends in

unionisation rates over the past twenty years in

terms of age, sex, employment type, industry and


Industrial disputes - examines industrial disputes

over the last twenty years, including the number of

working days lost in different industries and the

states and territories.


Women's incomes - considers some of the factors

that have influenced the share of income received by

women over the last 25 years.

Government benefits, taxes and household

income - examines the effect of government benefits

and taxes on the incomes of households at different

stages of the life course in 2003–04. 


Australian renter households - describes the

characteristics of these households and changes in

rental costs and vacancy rates over time. 

First home-buyers - analyses trends in housing

costs and incomes, and looks at the characteristics

of recent first home buyers and their homes.

Housing services in remote Aboriginal and

Torres Strait Islander communities - examines the

physical condition of the housing of Indigenous

people in remote Australia in 2006 and the range of

services available.


Internet access at home - looks at recent changes

in the level of Internet access by households and the

factors that influence who has access.

Public transport use for work and study - reports

on trends in public transport use in capital cities over

the decade to 2006.

State/territory tables

Each chapter also includes a set of national and

state/territory summary tables, and there are also

tables providing international comparisons for

population, health, education and work.

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