June 25, 2009
Embargoed 11.30 am (AEST)
Business more innovative, internet income up 20%: ABS
Nearly half of all Australian businesses (45%) undertook some form of innovative activity -
including the development or introduction of new or significantly improved goods, services,
processes or methods - last financial year, according to a report released today by the
Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS).
Innovative activity increased 22% on the previous year.
Approximately six businesses in ten (59%) within the wholesale trade industry reported
being innovation-active, the highest of any industry.
The survey also found that large businesses were almost twice as likely to be innovative
than small businesses (71% compared to 37%).
Use of IT
Although the proportion of businesses receiving orders over the internet was relatively
unchanged at 24%, the income received from internet orders rose by 20% to $81 billion.
Over one-third (36%) of businesses have a web presence. Large businesses (96%) were
more than three times as likely to have a web presence than small businesses (27%).
Broadband reinforced its dominance, with 94% of businesses with internet access having
a broadband connection. There was minimal variation at the industry level, ranging from
88% to 99%.
Further information is in Summary of IT Use and Innovation in Australian Business (cat.