Business More Innovative, Internet Income Up 20%: Abs

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25th June 2009, 02:33pm - Views: 1169

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June 25, 2009

Embargoed 11.30 am (AEST)


Business more innovative, internet income up 20%: ABS

Nearly half of all Australian businesses (45%) undertook some form of innovative activity -

including the development or introduction of new or significantly improved goods, services,

processes or methods - last financial year, according to a report released today by the

Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS). 

Innovative activity increased 22% on the previous year. 

Approximately six businesses in ten (59%) within the wholesale trade industry reported

being innovation-active, the highest of any industry. 

The survey also found that large businesses were almost twice as likely to be innovative

than small businesses (71% compared to 37%).

Use of IT

Although the proportion of businesses receiving orders over the internet was relatively

unchanged at 24%, the income received from internet orders rose by 20% to $81 billion.

Over one-third (36%) of businesses have a web presence. Large businesses (96%) were

more than three times as likely to have a web presence than small businesses (27%). 

Broadband reinforced its dominance, with 94% of businesses with internet access having

a broadband connection. There was minimal variation at the industry level, ranging from

88% to 99%.

Further information is in Summary of IT Use and Innovation in Australian Business (cat.

Media Note:

Internet income is defined as income resulting from goods and services ordered over the

Internet where the commitment to purchase is via the Internet or web.

FURTHER INFORMATION:  Media requests and interviews

Corporate Communications 1300 175 070

When reporting on ABS data, please attribute the Australian Bureau of

  Statistics (or ABS) as the source.

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