Record Numbers Enter And Leave Australia: Abs

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8th February 2010, 02:35pm - Views: 1241

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February 8, 2010

Embargoed 11.30 am Canberra Time


Record numbers enter and leave Australia: ABS

The total number of international arrivals and departures reached a record high last year,

according to figures released today by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS).

There were 12.4 million overseas arrivals and 12.3 million departures in 2009, making a

record of 24.7 million international movements across Australia's borders.  

This is an increase in overseas movements of nearly 60% since 1999.

Short-term movements

In 2009, short-term movements accounted for 96% of the total 24.7 million movements. 

Short-term movements are travellers who have an intended stay in, or absence from

Australia of less than one year.

For the second time in just over 20 years, short-term resident departures exceeded short-

term visitor arrivals.  In 2008, resident departures were higher than visitor arrivals by over

200,000; in 2009 this had increased to over 700,000. 

Short-term visitors arriving in Australia remained steady at 5.6 million.  

New Zealand, the UK, and the USA were the three top source countries, accounting for

40% of all short-term visitor arrivals.  The main age group was for those aged 25-29 years

for both men and women.

A record 6.3 million residents made short-term departures from Australia in 2009, up from

5.8 million in 2008. 

New Zealand, the USA and Indonesia were the top three destinations and accounted for

just over one-third of all short-term resident departures. The main age groups were 45-49

years for men and 25-29 years for women.

For more information see Overseas Arrivals and Departures, Australia, December 2009


Media requests and interviews

Corporate Communications 1300 175 070

Media note:

Figures in this News Release are based on original seriesWhen reporting ABS data, the

Australian Bureau of Statistics (or ABS) must be attributed as the source.

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