Design Workshop Success

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28th October 2009, 08:00pm - Views: 950

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Media Release

28 October 2009


A community workshop has revealed some fascinating insights into what Sydneysiders want

from their metro stations.

The first of two community workshops to develop design principles for the stations was held last

night (Tuesday 27 October) and attracted around 50 participants including councils, peak and

professional groups and local community members.

Sydney Metro CEO Rodd Staples said the workshop had resulted in a rich store of information

about what people want to see when the stations are built.

“What emerged from the workshop was how much opportunity the construction of these metro

station offers at each location,” Mr Staples said.

“A consistent theme was that people want to see an inspiring architectural landmark that

represents the best in design but which also respects and enhances the local area.

“Pyrmont and Rozelle are historic inner suburbs and participants felt this should be reflected in

the design. For example, it was suggested that the famous sandstone quarried at Pyrmont for

many of Sydney’s historic and iconic buildings should be used for Pyrmont Station.

“The workshop also revealed how important people feel it is for these stations to enhance

surrounding shopping areas and encourage vibrant street life. This was especially true at

Rozelle where participants wanted the metro’s street level design to reduce the impact of busy

Victoria Road.

“People also wanted the metro to be a demonstration project for sustainability. They expect to

see reuse, recycling and environmental design principles used in their stations.”

Mr Staples said the detailed feedback received on station buildings, surrounding landscaping,

public art, accessibility and amenity would now be put into action.

Three teams each comprising a leading architect, landscape architect and public artist will now

develop sample designs based on the draft design principles. These sample designs will be

completed for the second workshop on 10 November where the design principles will be


“We hope these sample designs will excite public interest and more discussion about what

metro stations should be,” Mr Staples said.

Mr Staples thanked all the participants for their contribution.

“This was a fantastic exercise and I look forward to seeing everyone again in November when

the sample designs are ready for exhibition and discussion,” he said.

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The groups represented at the workshop were:

Australian Institute of Architects

Australian Institute of Landscape Architects

City of Sydney

Commuter Council 

Department of Planning

Heritage Council of NSW

Infrastructure Partnerships Australia

Leichhardt Council

National Trust of Australia (NSW)

NSW Government Architect

NSW Police – City Central LAC

NSW Police – Leichhardt LAC

Physical Disability Council of NSW

Pyrmont Action

Pyrmont Progress Inc

Rozelle Neighbourhood Centre

Rozelle Residents Action Group

Rozelle/Iron Cove Precinct Committee 

Rozelle/Lilyfield Precinct Committee

St Thomas Church Darling Street

Sydney Business Chamber

Sydney Metro Design Review Panel

Tourism and Transport Forum

Warren Centre for Advanced Engineering.


Alec Brown on (02) 8238 3501 or 0427 067 314

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