Diary Date: Ride To Work - 14.10.09 - Over 140,000 On Their Bikes

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13th October 2009, 01:04pm - Views: 894

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DIARY DATE: 14 October 2009

Join the commuter revolution


Ride to Work Day


Wednesday 14 October, 2009 

7.00 – 9.00 am


Queensland Transport will be hosting the following Ride to Work Day breakfast:

Emma Miller Plaza, corner of Albert and Anne Streets, Brisbane

Free CBD breakfasts will be held in all State and Territories nationally.

Workplace and community breakfast are also being held nationally on the day.


Matt Welsh, former Olympic Swimmer and MBF Ambassador,                                       

Ride to Work Day ’09 ambassador


Thousands of Brisbane workers will hop on their bikes and demonstrate the

power of the pedal celebrating Ride to Work Day with a complimentary

breakfast and entertainment.


Ride to Work Day celebrates bike commuting within the workplace as an alternative

means of transport while encouraging Australian workers to adopt a healthier and

environmentally sound means of commuting.

Ride to Work Day spokesperson, Mr. Ben Wilson, said the program assists those

wanting to try riding to work as an alternative mode of transport.

“It’s the only national day, where first-timers and regular bike riders can celebrate

the act of riding to work together,” Mr. Wilson said.

Now in its 3rd year on the national calendar, the annual event not only gets people

thinking about bike riding, but encourages them to have a go and experience the

multiple benefits.

This year over 140,000 participants across Australia are expected to ride to work on

14 October, a significant increase on last years 110,000 commuters that

participated. Workplaces across the country embrace the day with 4,000 workplaces

expected to register for the day compared to 3,710 workplaces last year. 



Breakfast contact/Media Spokesperson: Lee Andrews Department of Transport and Main Roads,

T: (07) 3167 4471, E: Lee.M.Andrews@transportandmainroads.qld.gov.au  

Media Contact: Sarah Dalley Ride to Work Day, T: 03 8636 8875, M: 0403 224 090,

E: sarahd@bv.com.au

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