Mps Urged To Consider Vehicle Safety When Responding To Bracks Report

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18th September 2008, 03:43pm - Views: 1238

18 September 2008



Australia’s Federal parliamentarians have been urged to consider vehicle safety in

responding to the Bracks automotive industry inquiry. 

Australia’s leading vehicle safety advocate, the Australasian New Car Assessment Program

(ANCAP), has written to all Federal MPs asking them to take into account the recent

Victorian Parliamentary Inquiry into vehicle safety when discussing policy options from the

Bracks Review of the Australian Automotive Industry.

ANCAP Chair Lauchlan McIntosh said there needed to be a heightened focus on vehicle

safety from Australia’s policy makers in light of the significant government funds provided to

the Australian automotive industry.

“Australian new car buyers should be entitled to world-class vehicle safety performance in

return for any government funding,” Mr McIntosh said.

“ANCAP believes there is a very strong and plausible case to require manufacturers in

Australia to ensure the highest standards of vehicle safety, to reduce unnecessary road

trauma, particularly due to the high levels of government support provided to the industry.”

Around five people die every day on Australian roads, with a further 80 hospitalised as a

result of crashes. The national road safety strategy suggests that some 350 lives a year

could be saved through the development of safer vehicles.

Mr McIntosh said this is where these two most recent important reports come into play.  

“The Bracks report has recognised the importance of uniform Australian Design Rules

(ADRs) for Australian

cars but consistent also with its international obligations.  ANCAP

supports this Bracks recommendation.  

“The Victorian Parliamentary Road Safety Report extends and expands this

recommendation in an important way and makes a range of further recommendations that, if

implemented, will make a substantial contribution to reducing road trauma in Australia.”


The Victorian Report made a number of findings and recommendations including:

Australia is lagging behind Japan, Europe and the USA in the fitment of safety

systems in its vehicles. (Vic Report p viii)

ADRs do not cover leading technology and in some cases prevent the

adoption of technology.  Technology moves too fast for the ADRs. (Vic Report

p 17)

An ADR compliant vehicle equates to an ANCAP 1.3-star vehicle (Vic Report p

xii).  In an ANCAP 1-star vehicle you are about 50% more likely to be killed or

suffer serious injury compared to a ANCAP 5-star vehicle.

The ADRs may result in lower vehicle safety standards than those in New

Zealand. (Vic Report p 23)

ANCAP has had a greater effect in raising vehicle safety standards than ADRs.

Vic Report p 32)

ADRs should be about performance, not about minimum standards (Vic

Report p 21).  

UNECE regulations should be adopted over the ADRs. (Vic Report p 20)

ANCAP is best placed to include emerging technologies in its testing

protocols and vehicle safety ratings. (Vic Report p 27, 43-48)

ANCAP needs more funding in order to meet the challenges of emerging

technologies. (Vic Report p 183)

ANCAP Stars on Cars™ should be supported. (Vic Report p 167)

Government Fleet vehicles should be a minimum ANCAP 5-star rating. (Vic

Report p 178/179)

Mr McIntosh said the Federal Government has overall responsibility for road safety and in

particular vehicle safety regulations through the Australian Design Regulations which set the

levels of safety, and ANCAP is calling on all Federal MPs to take simple but positive steps

to encourage adoption of life-saving technologies and features.

“ANCAP testing is the most suitable publicly available and independent performance test

and we remain ready to work with governments, the automotive industry and importantly

motorists to encourage safer cars into the market,” he said.

ANCAP is supported by all Australian and New Zealand motoring clubs, all Australian state

governments, the New Zealand government, the Victorian Transport Accident Commission,

the Insurance Australia Group and the FIA Foundation.  For a full list of ANCAP’s vehicle

safety ratings, including more commercial vehicles, and other vehicle safety information, go


Lauchlan McIntosh


0418 424 886

Allan Yates


0421 150 229

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