Planning For M2 Widening Reaches Critical Stage

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13th October 2009, 04:26pm - Views: 913
Planning for M2 Widening Reaches Critical Stage
The announcement today that agreement has been reached about a suite of works to
ease congestion on the M2 Motorway is an important step to resolve major road
challenges in Sydney's north west, says the nation's peak infrastructure body -
Infrastructure Partnerships Australia.

"The widening of the M2 is a critical project to ease congestion and begin to get Sydney working again," said IPA Executive Director, Brendan Lyon.

"Sydney's Orbital Motorway network is the backbone of Sydney's transport network.

"The widening of the M2 is a critical project for Sydney's transport network, linking more than 120,000 public transport and car users to Sydney's CBD and beyond.

"Congestion costs business and taxpayers more than $12 million every day. Sydney must begin to get major road and public transport projects to market and delivered or risk spiraling congestion and declining livability.

"The best way to provide for growth in demand for transport is to provide a mix of investment in new public transport projects, such as the proposed Metro system, heavy rail expansions and major urban road projects like the M2.

"The population of Sydney's North-west will grow by 420,000 people to 2030 effectively doubling; and the number of people working in the region will also surge.

"More people means more cars, more trucks and more buses and that demands putting in place the right infrastructure now to support this growth.

"The proposal announced today includes a mix of funding options, including an extension of the concession and tolling of new on ramps, meaning only a modest increase in the toll.

"NSW simply cannot afford further delay on major projects and we look forward to seeing the forward plan for the rest of the State's infrastructure when the proposed Transport Blueprint is released last this year."

Infrastructure Partnerships Australia is a national forum, comprising public & private sector CEO Members, advocating the public policy interests of Australia's Infrastructure Industry.

Media contact: Ruci Fixter 0438 380 464

SOURCE: Infrastructure Partnerships Australia (IPA)

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