Accommodation Businesses Generate $9.9 Billion In Income: Abs

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25th June 2008, 02:37pm - Views: 1182

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June 25, 2008

Embargoed 11.30 am



Accommodation businesses generate $9.9 billion in income:


Australia's 5,891 accommodation businesses generated $9.9 billion in income

during 2006-07, according to figures released today by the Australian Bureau

of Statistics (ABS). 

The main sources of income for these businesses, which range from hotels to

bed and breakfast establishments, included takings from accommodation

(66%); meals (14%), and sales of liquor and other beverages (6%).

The Accommodation Services survey also found that at 30 June 2007:

Over one third (35%) of total accommodation establishments were

motels. Serviced apartments and visitor hostels accounted for 9% and

8%, respectively. 

There were 95,931 people employed by accommodation businesses;

with nearly half (44%) employed as casuals. Room attendants was the

largest occupation (28%). 

Almost half (46%) of all accommodation businesses employed less

than five people. These smaller businesses accounted for 11% of total


Around the nation:

People Travel Australian Bureau Of Statistics 3 image

The 1,976 businesses in New South Wales accounted for almost one

third of total income (33%) and total employment (32%). 

The 1,343 Victorian businesses accounted for 19% of income and 20%

of total employment. 

The 1,332 Queensland businesses accounted for almost a quarter of

total income (24%) and total employment (23%).

More details are available in Accommodation Services, Australia, 2006-07

(cat. no. 8695.0).

This page last updated 24 June 2008

© Commonwealth of Australia 2008

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