Breakfast On The Bridge Road Closures

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15th October 2009, 12:56pm - Views: 1356

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15 OCTOBER 2009




With several major events taking place in Sydney on Sunday, 25 October the RTA is

advising people to leave the car at home and take public transport to avoid delays.

The Sydney Harbour Bridge will be closed between 1am and 1pm on Sunday 25 October

for the Breakfast on the Bridge event, part of the Crave Sydney festival.

The Bridge deck will be transformed into a picnic area with 6000 ticketed participants

enjoying breakfast on one of the world’s most iconic structures.

The Anzac, Gladesville and Ryde Bridges are alternative harbour crossings. Motorists

using the Sydney Harbour Tunnel are advised to expect significant delays from 9am

Sunday and should use  alternative harbour crossings if possible or delay travel until after


There will also be significant road closures and special event clearways around the

Sydney CBD, North Sydney, The Rocks, Millers Point, Chatswood, Rozelle, Drummoyne

and Lane Cove, as this event, together with open days for both the Sydney Opera House

and the Royal Australian Navy and the Seven Bridges Walk bring thousands of people into

the City and Garden Island.

Roads closures include:

North Sydney, 5am to 1pm

Walker Street - between - Berry Street and Mount Street (southbound)

Walker Street - between - Mount Street and Pacific Highway 

The Rocks/Millers Point, 8am to 9.30am

Argyle Street - between - Harrington Street and Lower Fort Street 

Upper Fort Street - between - Watson Road Street and Observatory Park 

Watson Road - between - Upper Fort Street and Argyle Street 

Special event clearways include:

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6am to 1pm

Pacific Highway - between - Boundary Street and Gore Hill Freeway 

Lane Cove/Drummoyne/ Rozelle

6am to 1pm

Burns Bay Road - between - Penrose Street and Victoria Road (eastern side) 

Centennial Avenue - between - Epping Road and Penrose Street (eastern side) 

Victoria Road - between - Anzac Bridge and Gladesville Bridge 

Sydney CBD

6am to 1pm

Abercrombie Street between Cleveland Street and Broadway western side

Bathurst Street between Harbour Street and Elizabeth Street


College Street between Prince Albert Road and William Street eastern side

Cowper Wharf Roadway between Cahill Expressway and Wylde Street  

Harris Street between Allen Street and Broadway eastern side

King Street between Sussex Street and Elizabeth Street 

Regent Street between Broadway and Redfern Street eastern side

Riley Street between Sir John Young Crescent and William Street

Sir John Young Crescent between Riley Street and Cowper Wharf Roadway 

Wattle Street between Broadway and Pyrmont Bridge Road western side.

“Parking will be limited and residents within affected suburbs need to check where they

can park as those vehicles in special event clearways will be towed away and fines will

apply,” an RTA spokesperson said.

“If you are catching a flight or need to get to appointments in the city, take public transport

where possible as significant delays are expected as people head into these events.

“The best way to get to get into the city on Sunday will be to leave the car at home and

catch public transport,” the spokesperson  said.

“Plan your trip using the Transport Infoline Trip Planner or phone the Transport Information

Line on 131 500.

“Don’t forget you can grab a family fun day pass for $2.50 per person, which entitles you to 

unlimited travel on Sydney's buses, trains and ferries every Sunday. The ticket will even

take you to Newcastle and Wollongong.

“Tickets are available from bus drivers (excluding PrePay services), CityRail stations, ferry

ticket offices and authorised newsagents, 7-Elevens and convenience stores.”

A family must include at least one adult and one child – children under four travel free.

Sydney Harbour Bridge closures from 1am to 1pm include:

Sydney Harbour Bridge (Bradfield Highway )

Cahill Expressway  between Domain Tunnel and Sydney Harbour Bridge 

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Clarence Street on-ramps  between Clarence Street and Sydney Harbour Bridge


Blackwattle Place  at Darling Harbour 

Conservatorium Road off/on-ramps - between  Conservatorium Road and Cahill


Falcon Street on-ramp  between  Falcon Street and Warringah Freeway


Grosvenor Street on-ramp  between  Grosvenor Street and Sydney Harbour Bridge


Harbour Street*  between  Goulburn Street and Bathurst Street (northbound)

Kent Street on-ramp  between Kent Street to Sydney Harbour Bridge (northbound)

Miller Street on-ramp  between  Miller Street and Warringah Freeway (southbound)

Mount Street on-ramps  between  Mount Street and Sydney Harbour Bridge/Cahill

Expressway (southbound)

Pier Street on-ramp*  between  Darling Drive and Harbour Street (eastbound)

Western Distributor   between King Street off-ramp and Sydney Harbour Bridge

Western Distributor   between  Harbour Street and Sydney Harbour Bridge


Wheat Road  between  Harbour Street and Shelley Street (northbound)

York Street off-ramp   between  Sydney Harbour Bridge and York Street


* Contingency closures if required.

For more information on road closures and special event clearways in place for major

information line on 132 701.


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