P&o Cruises' Pacific Sun Begins Her First Wa Cruise Season

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8th December 2009, 07:14pm - Views: 937

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Attention News Editors, Chiefs of Staff & Pic Editors

10.30am Media Conference Wednesday December 16, 2009

P&O Cruises’ Pacific Sun Begins her First WA Cruise Season

Carnival Australia CEO Ann Sherry will announce a new boost for the Western Australian cruise

industry as P&O Cruises’ Pacific Sun arrives on December 16 for her inaugural summer season of


Pacific Sun will be the first Australian ship to be based in Fremantle and will contribute about $3

million through passenger and crew spending and port fees to the local economy.

Pacific Sun’s deployment reflects the growth of the Western Australian local cruise industry, with

Carnival Australia cruise lines making a record 47 calls to ports in the state this summer cruise


Carrying 1900 passengers, Pacific Sun will offer six cruises during her first season, including a

sampler cruise, four cruises to Indonesia and an eight-night coastal sailing. Arriving at Fremantle at

8am, Pacific Sun will set sail at 10pm on her three-night sampler cruise. 

The 47,000-tonne Pacific Sun features a child-free Oasis spa retreat, an oceanview gym and

coffee bar, as well as five restaurants and cafes, multiple bars and lounges and two pools.

What: Onboard press conference with Carnival Australia CEO Ann Sherry as P&O Cruises’

Pacific Sun arrives for her first WA season of cruising.

When: Check in at 10.15am, Wednesday December 16, 2009.  Conclude approx 11.30am

Where: Meet at media registration desk on level 1, Fremantle Cruise Terminal.

RSVP: By Monday December 14 to support@mgmedia.com.au or call 02 9904 0011


For maritime security reasons, all media representatives must provide the following

security information when RSVPing:

Full name


Date of birth

Driver licence or passport number  

Media information:

Libby Moffet/Larissa Kaye

MG Media Communications

02 9904 0011

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