Rugby Legends Confirm They Will Be Cruising During Rugby World Cup 2011 Nz

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6th October 2010, 06:27pm - Views: 1206

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Wednesday 6 October 2010: Nick Farr-Jones, Mark Ella, Bob Dwyer and Gordon Bray will

cruise to Rugby World Cup 2011 (RWC 2011) New Zealand aboard the five-star cruise ship, ms

Volendam. The Volendam, chartered exclusively by Adventure World Travel, will depart

Sydney and cruise to New Zealand for the ‘must see’ sporting event of 2011.  

RWC 1991 winning Australian captain, Nick Farr-Jones, RWC 1991 winning Australian coach, Bob

Dwyer, Australian Rugby legend and 1984 Grand Slam team member, Mark Ella, and the ‘voice of

Rugby’, renowned commentator, Gordon Bray, will be integral members of the Adventure World

Rugby family over the final three weeks of RWC 2011.

The Volendam will be transformed into a floating ‘Rugby Paradise’ with the four Rugby luminaries as 

passengers and presenters; giving fellow travellers insights into Rugby and RWC 2011 drawn from

their experience and in-depth Rugby knowledge. 

Adventure World’s RWC 2011 General Manager, Nigel Adams, said the presence of the four Rugby

greats on the Volendam would provide passengers with a unique RWC 2011 experience.  

“We have created an opportunity for Rugby fans that equates to a once-in-a-lifetime experience for

them, their partners and families.” Mr Adams said,

The cruise includes five-star accommodation plus guaranteed combinations of RWC 2011 quarter-

final, semi-final, Bronze final and Finals match tickets.

Adventure World Travel (AWT) is a wholly owned subsidiary of the NRMA Group and an Official

Travel Agent for Rugby World Cup 2011 New Zealand 

Rugby World Cup is the third largest sporting Tournament in the world (based on television audience)

and RWC 2011 is expected to draw a television audience of over 4.5 billion, with around 1.5 million

spectators and more that 60,000 international visitors to New Zealand. 

Media Enquiries: Lisa Kable, Media Adviser on 0439 133 113

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