Sir Rod's Transport Vision A Recipe For Success

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2nd April 2008, 03:42pm - Views: 1181
Sir Rod's Transport Vision a Recipe for Success

Sir Rod Eddington's transport vision for Melbourne has all the right ingredients, according to peak transport industry group Tourism & Transport Forum (TTF).

TTF's Managing Director Christopher Brown today said the East-West Link Needs Assessment report, compiled by Sir Rod Eddington, set out a massive program of infrastructure development that would change the way people move around Melbourne.

"In its submission to the East-West Needs Link Assessment, TTF called for a bold vision including new road and rail tunnels to increase the capacity of Melbourne's transport network.

"Sir Rod has listened to the transport sector, and delivered a comprehensive, integrated strategy.

"All the ingredients are there improvements for freight vehicles, cars, trains, buses, trams and bicycles.

"It's a recipe for less urban congestion, fewer greenhouse gas emissions and more transport options for people in the booming western suburbs.

Mr Brown said the East West Link Needs Assessment report was an excellent example of integrated transport planning.

"The road tunnel will allow more freight to get in and out of the port area, without affecting the residential amenity of people in Footscray and the Inner Western suburbs.

"By getting traffic off the crowded streets around Alexandra Parade, more road space will also be freed up for trams and buses making public transport a more convenient option for commuters.

"And the CBD rail tunnel will dramatically increase the capacity of the rail network to carry more trains and more people."

Mr Brown said rising oil prices will make the need to provide genuine transport choices more important in the future.

"This is a massive, ground-breaking and far-reaching plan, but one that will be essential for both the liveability and economic prosperity of the city.

"It must be recognised that delivering all of the plan's recommendations will be beyond the financial capabilities of the Victorian Government alone.

"We call on the Victorian Government and the Federal Government to endorse Sir Rod's vision, and to work in partnership with the private sector to make it happen."

TTF Acting National Transport Manager Stewart Prins is available for radio interviews Tel: 0419 929 722

TTF Australia is the peak national industry group representing tourism, transport and infrastructure. It comprises the chief executives of the 200 most prestigious investors, operators, regulators and developers across Australia.

SOURCE: Tourism & Transport Forum (TTF)

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