Easy Targets: Women In The Global Financial Crisis

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19th November 2009, 03:05pm - Views: 1177

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Easy targets: Women in the Global Financial Crisis

The impact of the economic downturn on women in Victoria will be the focus of a

consultation workshop hosted by RMIT University next week.

The workshop, which is being hosted by RMIT’s Centre for Applied Social

Research (CASR), is on Monday, 23 November, from 10am to 12pm.

CASR Senior Research Fellow, Dr Sara Charlesworth, said women were the first

to feel the impact of the economic downturn because of the precarious nature of

Australia’s largely female casual workforce.

“While we haven’t seen unemployment rise dramatically in Australia during the

global financial crisis, the biggest issue for women is under-employment,” Dr

Charlesworth said.

“The jobless figures do not reveal the full picture – that casual employees are

losing hours and losing valuable income that they rely on to support their families.

“And because the majority of casual work, particularly part-time casual work, is still

undertaken by women, it is women who are the first targets and who are suffering

the most in the economic downturn.”

Dr Charlesworth said in many areas, the lack of accessible out-of-hours school

care for children was also a pressing issue affecting women in the paid workforce.

Consultation workshops are being held in each state and territory to gain local

perspectives on the issues raised in The Australian Institute’s report, “Impact of the

Recession on Women”, launched in August by ACTU President Sharan Burrow. 

Federal Minister for Women, Tanya Plibersek, has placed the Report and its

revelations about women’s hidden unemployment on the agenda for the October

meeting of the Council of Commonwealth and State Ministers for Women.

The Victorian consultation workshop is sponsored by Security4Women,

WomenSpeak, National Rural Women’s Coalition, Australian Women’s Coalition

and the National Foundation of Australian Women, with support from the Women’s

Information Referral Exchange and the Office of Women’s Policy.

Media opportunity

What: Impact of the Recession on Women Victorian consultation workshop

When: 10am 12pm, Monday, 23 November

Where: RMIT University, Research Lounge, Building 28, Level 5

(Enter through Building 8 on Swanston Street)

For interviews: Dr Sara Charlesworth, (03) 9925 3354 or 0412 889 122.

For general media enquiries: RMIT University Communications, Gosia

Kaszubska, (03) 9925 3176 or 0417 510 735.

19 November, 2009

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