New Women's Plan To Drive Cultural Change In Defence

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19th November 2009, 05:38pm - Views: 1210

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Minister for Defence Personnel, Materiel and Science


Chief of the Defence Force

19 November 2009

104 /2009


Greg Combet, Minister for Defence Personnel, Materiel and Science, and Air Chief Marshal

Angus Houston, the Chief of the Defence Force, announced today The Chief of the Defence

Force Action Plan for the Recruitment and Retention of Women at Parliament House.

“The ADF is moving to become more representative of the community it serves. While much

has been done to improve the recruitment and participation rates of women, Defence

recognises there is more to do,” said Mr Combet.

“This Action Plan being launched today will improve workplace flexibility, career

management, accountability, mentoring and communication across Defence raising retention

and Defence’s profile as an employer.

“The Plan has at its heart a cultural change program that will impact on everyone in Defence

at every level and workplace.

“The next few years will see changes to the performance appraisal system, career

management philosophies and practices, and personnel policies for the benefit of the women

and men in Defence and the general community. 

“These changes will see a more sustainable and representative ADF workforce to best meet

the strategic challenges of the future,” Mr Combet said. 

The Action Plan was developed after nearly 18 months of consultation with The Chief of the

Defence Force Reference Group on Women and 17 roundtables with 200 ADF women

across Australia.

Air Chief Marshal Houston said the Action Plan built on achievements and initiatives already

in place and introduced new measures to increase the options and attractiveness of an ADF


“Defence wants to be recognised as an employer that values its members and provides them

with conditions of service that support, enable and encourage their personal circumstances

whatever they may be,” Air Chief Marshal Houston said.

For further information about the Action Plan visit: 

Media contacts:

Rod Hilton (Greg Combet):

02 6277 7620 or 0458 276 619

Defence Media Liaison:

02 6127 1999 or 0408 498 664

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