Planning To Cope With A Labour Of Love

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Planning to cope with a labour of love

At 26 weeks pregnant, Miranda was fit, healthy and playing sport. “But the sudden

appearance of bright red blood sounded alarm bells” and medical staff prepared

her for a very premature birth.

Thankfully, the bleeding stopped and Miranda was able to go home to bed rest –

and wait “until the magic 39-week date, when she was induced because of the fear

of haemorrhage”.

Miranda is one of dozens of women who tell the story of their difficult pregnancies

and births in a new book by two RMIT University staff members.

Handle with Care: Precious Pregnancies, Inspiring Journeys was written by

Caroline van de Pol and Evelyn Tsitas, both of whose stories of difficult

pregnancies are included in the book.

Ms van de Pol, a lecturer in Public Relations, said: “As mothers who have been on

the high-risk journey we wanted to share our stories with other women. Our aim

was to give a voice to the many who felt overlooked or even inadequate because

of their difficult journey to motherhood.”

High-risk pregnancy refers to where medical intervention is required to ensure the

health and wellbeing of mother and baby.

Ms Tsitas, who works in RMIT’s Alumni Relations unit and holds an MA in Creative

Writing from RMIT, said: “In the past, high-risk women have been neglected in

literature on pregnancy. We would argue that they have also been ignored when it

comes to recognising and delivering services that meet their unique psycho-social


Handle with Care (Precious Families, $29.95) takes women and partners through a

four-step journey: preparing for pregnancy; managing pre-existing medical

conditions; dealing with sudden emergencies; and high-risk birth and beyond.

The book’s warnings of risk and tales of hardship are balanced by heart-warming

tales of women who have survived dangers to produce healthy children.

As one of the interviewees, Lee, put it: “I have no doubt that I would have

miscarried with Will if I hadn’t been in hospital on bed rest and being closely

monitored. It makes me realise just how much success depends on good medical


For more information: Caroline van de Pol, 0413 318 295 or Evelyn Tsitas,

0418 139 015.

For general media enquiries: RMIT Media and Communications, David Glanz,

(03) 9925 2807 or 0438 547 723.

9 December, 2008   

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