New Polls Shows Young Women Lack Positive Role Models

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13th November 2008, 05:21pm - Views: 1450

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Embargoed 18 November 2008

New poll shows young women lack positive role models

Poll results released today from website,, reveal that young women rate

the likes of Paris Hilton, Kate Moss and Mischa Barton as their role models over Germaine

Greer and Anita Roddick.

Other alarming news from the poll show that 35% of girls feel that they lack positive role

models. A staggering 90% feel that there is nothing being done to promote positive role

models for young women, yet 92% think having good role models is important. 

These results have spearheaded a campaign that launches today to help promote positive

role models for young women. Bellaboo Get Real Campaign is 100% focused on giving young

women access to positive role models vs celebrities famous for their jail stints or drug habits.

It’s not all bad news, encouragingly girls rated J K Rowling and Cathy Freeman as their

number one choices when it comes to positive role models. But, those stellar choices were

then followed by the likes of Paris, Mischa and Kate.


A key feature of the Bellaboo Get Real campaign is its Role Model Wall of Women. A

smorgasbord of women from all walks of life who have passed the positive role model test set

by Bellaboo. Women like Cathy Freeman,  Sarah Murdoch, Elka Graham, Catriona Rowntree,

Symantha Perkins, Bianca Dye, Mia Freedman, Katrina Warren; women from business;

women who have contributed to charitable works; or simply excelled in their chosen field, are

the faces of Bellaboo’s Get Real Wall of Women.

Consultant Adolescent Psychologist, Dr Michael Carr-Greg said of the campaign: “In light of

the current crisis in Australian youth mental health with record levels of depression, anxiety

and self harm especially in young women, this campaign that focuses on self esteem and

positive psychology is both welcome and timely.”

Bellaboo Managing Director, Snezna Kerekovic said: “Our poll was a wake up call that young

women desperately need positive role models. Media fixation with car-crash celebs has

resulted in them being the poster girls for this generation of young women. We decided to

stop the rot and create something positive that will give girls instant access to role models that

have earned the title, whilst helping bust myths that feed insecurity in girls and inspiring them

to believe in and love themselves.”

The Bellaboo Wall of Women gives girls direct access to role models from all walks of life via

a space online - Girls can also nominate their choice of women to

become part of the Wall of Women online. Only women who tick all the right boxes will take

their place on the Get Real Wall of Women Role Model Registry. 

Snezna said: “The Bellaboo Wall of Women makes positive role models just a mouse click

away. Girls can simply click on their chosen role model’s image to get access to more

detailed information about her, her thoughts on role models, her own teen experiences, and

her inspiring tale of who she is. We aim to add role models based on our selective criteria and

hope to have hundreds if not thousands of positive role models for young women to access.

“We also hope that this campaign will inspire girls to look to their friends or family doing

incredible things as potential role models as opposed to celebrities famous for little more than

partying or getting into strife,” Snezna said.

The Get Real site also features facts sheets on Getting Real about media, beauty, body

images, self esteem as well as interactive and proactive things girls can do to spread the

word about Getting Real. Another key feature is the Hall of Fame and Hall of Shame -

highlighting ads that promote positive messages and images for young women and those

sending out the wrong messages that can add to girls’ insecurities and self image. 

Newsreader and author Jacinta Tynan, one of the Bellaboo’s Role Models said:

“What I would have given to have had a campaign like this when I was a teenager: Instant

role models! 

Whoever said the teenage years are the best of your life clearly wasn’t one. They are tough

years when your body starts to change along with your friends. You’re no longer sure your

parents know best and you’re impatient for your ‘real’ life to start. It’s also the time when you

start making decisions about who you are and what you want to do with your life. How

liberating to be able to do that with the guidance of women who’ve trodden the path before.

To be able to see that this bevy of successful, inspiring women on the Bellaboo Role Model

Wall haven’t always had it easy and have had to make their own way means so much is


Through my work with SISTER2Sister, I am passionate about making things easier for the

next generation of young women. It’s a privilege to be able to pass something on.”

For media interviews and photography requests with Snezna Kerekovic or one of our Get

Real Role Models contact:  

Yvette Done Vivid Publicity 

P. 02 9817 8731  M. 0412 064 066  E.

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