National Press Releases & Articles 136 - 140 of 184

Water Is Everyone's Responsibility, According To National Water Week Organisers starstarstarstarstar   16th October 2008 - Views: 1191 This year’s National Water Week theme – Clean Water: Essential for Life! - draws community attention to the importance of clean water to our health and quality of life. 2008 is the United Nations International Year of Sanitation . In Australia, we are fortunate to have one of the highest standards of sanitation in the world, with most Australians having readily available clean water at our fingertips.

Radio Grabs: Former Rba Governor Urges Calm starstarstarstarstar   15th October 2008 - Views: 1154 Radio Grabs: Former Rba Governor Urges Calm Former Reserve Bank Governor, Bernie Fraser, is urging Australians to remain calm despite world financial turmoil.

Id Fraud Our Fastest Growing Crime - $1 Billion Cost To Australian Economy Annually starstarstarstarstar   8th October 2008 - Views: 1167 Id Fraud Our Fastest Growing Crime - $1 Billion Cost To Australian Economy Annually Identity fraud has become the fastest growing crime in Australia with half a million victims in the past 12 months at an estimated cost of $1 billion to the economy . No wonder 60 per cent of Australians fear having their credit card details stolen more than an act terrorism (38%), a serious health epidemic (36%), or meeting their future financial obligations (33%) .

Radio Grabs: Father's Day Mobile Activity starstarstarstarstar   5th September 2008 - Views: 1158 Telstra is expecting new records to be broken as Aussie families send Father's Day wishes via their mobile phone this weekend.

Radio Grabs: Aussie Retirement Savings Eroded starstarstarstarstar   5th September 2008 - Views: 1180 Radio Grabs: Aussie Retirement Savings Eroded New research confirms millions of Aussies are letting their retirement savings erode because of sales commissions and fees charged on their super accounts.

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