Youth Homelessness Matters: There Is Some Hope (at Last) For Young People In Nsw 31st March 2009 - Views: 1215 On any night in Australia that nearly a half of the 105,000 homeless are children and young people. The report also presented a sensible 10 point plan for ending youth homelessness in Australia.
Dolly Leads The Fight Against Negative Body Image 11th March 2009 - Views: 1275 Australia’s number one teen magazine continues its commitment to promoting positive body image this month by profiling three inspiring groups of teens.
How Economic Crisis Hits The Young 2nd March 2009 - Views: 1313 The problems facing young people as Australia’s economy slows will be the focus of a forum at RMT University.
Sneaky Sound System And Dolly Rock Your School 9th January 2009 - Views: 1419 DOLLY is encouraging readers to register their school to raise money for the Smith Family’s Learning for Life program, which sponsors disadvantaged kids in Australia to provide them with the basics for a good education.
Expert Comment On Teen Drug Fears 26th November 2008 - Views: 1344 The Mission Australia survey found those aged 11 to 14 were most worried about drugs and were twice as likely to identify it as a major issue, compared with 20 to 24 year olds.