Commonwealth Training Package A Welcome Stimulus To Economy And Employment

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14th October 2008, 05:14pm - Views: 844

People Education Group Training Australia 1 image

People Education Group Training Australia 2 image

GTA is the national peak body representing the network of over 150 Group Training Organisations (GTOs) employing over 40,000

apprentices and trainees throughout Australia.

14 October 2008

Commonwealth training package a welcome stimulus to economy

and employment  

Group Training Australia (GTA), representing the single largest network employing over 40,000

apprentices and trainees today welcomed the Federal Government’s announcement of

significant new training places as part of the response to the global financial crisis.

GTA, Chief Executive Officer, Jim Barron said the move to allocate an additional 56,000 training

places was a sensible response to address the slowing economy.

“The injection of funds into skills development and training will have an expansionary impact on

the economy while quickening the pace of re-skilling in critical areas of labour shortage”.

Jobseekers and displaced workers will benefit from the new structural adjustment category of


The response to date to the Government’s Productivity Places Program demonstrates the

underlying demand for jobs training and the upgrading of skills right across the workforce.

The additional new training places will address the demand from many of those who have missed

out on places in the initial rounds.

Group training organisations, currently employing more than 40,000 apprentices across Australia,

are well placed to play an enhanced role in the skilling and re-skilling of the workforce.

Media Contact:

Bob Bowden, Foresight Communications

02 9241 2811

0412 753 298


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