Early Advice On Students With Disabilities Applause For The Gillard Government

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6th November 2010, 03:33am - Views: 1200

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La Guardia Loop Port Kennedy 6157 WA

Ph:     (08) 9593 9030

Fax:    (08) 9593 9040

Mobile: 0409 409901

Email: Fiona.Forbes@det.wa.edu.au

Media Release

For immediate release

Early Advice on Students with Disabilities

Applause to the Gillard Government

The announcement by Minister Peter Garrett today is a huge step forward in valuing the learning of

Students with Disabilities and Special Needs, the schools they attend, their teachers and their families.

The Gillard government is to be applauded for recognising this significant population of school age

students who have not directly been targeted by the state and territory implementation of the National

Partnership initiatives.

Fiona Forbes, National President of the Australian Special Education Principals Association and a

member of the new working group said the first meeting of the group today was productive and very

inclusive of all key stakeholders.

“Everyone recognises the urgent need to ensure that schools, teachers, and families who

support the learning of students with disabilities and special needs are enabled to continue to

support learning outcomes for these students who make up over 10% of the cohort in schools”

said Ms Forbes.

“While there has been significant funding through the Education Revolution for raising student

outcomes through literacy, numeracy and low socio-economic National Partnerships, states and

territories are not obliged to ensure that students with disabilities and special needs are

included in this.  In fact many jurisdictions have exempted special schools and facilities from the


The attention by the Minister and the government in addressing this need by seeking advice from the

new working party is a major step in the right direction.  Meanwhile, the Australian Special Education

Principals Association and others will continue to lobby for substantive longer term reforms for this group

of students.

ASEPA represents over 1000 leaders in special schools and special education facilities in primary, secondary and

early intervention programs across Australia.

Media Contact

Fiona Forbes (WA) – National President, Australian Special Education Principals Association

Mobile – 0409 409 901

Available for interview anytime.

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