Patron - Her Excellency Ms Quentin Bryce AC Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia
GTA is the national peak body representing the network of over 150 Group Training Organisations (GTOs)
employing over 40,000 apprentices and trainees throughout Australia.
5 March 2009
GTA response to Commonwealth VET reform
Group Training Australia (GTA), the single largest network employing over
40,000 apprentices and trainees, today endorsed measures announced by the
Federal Government aimed at boosting skills and streamlining the delivery of
vocational education and training.
GTA Chief Executive Officer Jim Barron said the announcement by Deputy
Prime Minister Julia Gillard of a major reform blueprint for the sector was a
welcome initiative.
We strongly support measures to reduce duplication across the sector and
streamline the delivery of courses and programs in a way which meets the
changing needs of employees and industry.
It is encouraging to see recognition of the vocational and training sector
alongside higher education in the choices that are available to school leavers
and those upgrading their skills.
Measures to bring about a uniform, national approach to training
qualifications and course delivery have the potential to bring significant long
term benefits to the economy.
The proposed expansion of Skills Australia to advise on the role of universities
and VET in national skills development is a welcome step that can help bring
the best private and public sector thinking to a major policy priority, Jim
Barron said.
Media Contact:
Bob Bowden, Foresight Communications, 02 9241 2811, 0412 753 298,