Holmesglen Blitz Monash Youth Film Festival

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21st October 2010, 04:35pm - Views: 1461

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21 October 2010


Current and past Holmesglen students have again blitzed the 2010 Monash Youth Film Festival,

which were held on Monday 18 October.

For their film ‘In Her Eyes’, Chris Smellin, Robert Smellin, Lori Young and James Beilharz won the

Best Film award. The film ‘Silent Cry’ won Best Drama, which was a collaborative effort from

students Melany Pascal, Adrian Eppel, Sammie Blades, Ayse Yusef and Phil Jennings.

Young said she appreciates the festival because “there are not many festivals out there for youth. I

like that we where able to enter it without people being prejudice towards others.”

This year’s success at the festival continues Holmesglen’s winning streak from 2009. The Smellin

brothers and Young last year won Best Drama, Best Music Video and Best Lead Actor for their film

‘My Brother Danny’. Last year Matt Pastor, Holmesglen Bachelor of Screen Production student,

won the Best Film and Audience Choice Award for his film ‘Mimiking: A Japanese Love Story’. 

Lori Young and Chris and Robert Smellin are now undertaking their Masters in Film and were also

winners of the Outstanding Higher Education Award at Holmesglen’s Annual Awards Festival held

in May this year.  

Young says she appreciates the support and opportunities Holmesglen has provided her.

“Holmesglen gets people from industry to teach us, people that actually do what we want to do,

people that we can learn from. They have got amazing equipment…its better than other

schools.”Young said.

Holmesglen screen production lecturer, Dr Colin Perry said “At Holmesglen we like to give our

students every opportunity to promote their films, and by association, their careers, by engaging

with the community through film festivals. The Monash Youth Film Festival has provided a valuable

venue for us to compete publicly and to help our students move out off the classroom and into the

broader world of the local film making community. This is an important step in bridging the student

experience with the inception of an industry career.“  

The festival "Lights! Camera! Shorts!" is an excellent opportunity to have young people's creative

skills showcased and recognised as well as providing awareness of young people's experiences

and topics relevant to them that they can express through the medium of film. Young people whose

films are shown at the festival will have the opportunity to win a number of awards including three

awards that a specifically targeted to secondary school students. These include Best Drama, Best

Original Concept and the much coveted Audience Choice award, which is voted for on the night by

those in attendance.


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For more information or to arrange an interview, please contact:

Karen Hook, Marketing and Communications Manager

T +61 3 9564 1651   F +61 3 9564 1812  

E: Karen.Hook@holmeslgen.edu.au  

About Holmesglen

Renowned as a centre of excellence for the design and delivery of education and training services,

Holmesglen is one of the largest providers of higher and vocational education in Victoria, with over

50,000 students across three campuses at Chadstone, Moorabbin and Waverley.

Offering over 600 programs across eleven study areas, including degrees, graduate certificates

advanced diplomas, diplomas, certificates, pre-apprenticeships, apprenticeships, short courses

and the Vocational College, offering an alternative to VCE.

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