Kids Get Creative At Beach: Alcoa School Education Program

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5th March 2010, 06:51pm - Views: 1235

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Kids Get Creative at Beach 

Over 1000 school children from Perth and the South West region will enjoy a day of art and ocean this

month, as they attend the Alcoa School Education Workshop at Cottesloe Beach in Perth (4-23


Exhibiting artists from this year’s Sculpture by the Sea will run some 44 workshops across three

weeks, offering a unique artistic experience for 1,100 primary and high school children. Around 400

children will be brought up from Alcoa communities in the Peel region. 

“This is such a great opportunity to help kids in our community experience art in a totally new way,

and just have a really great day out of their usual environment,” Alcoa of Australia Managing Director

Mr Cransberg said. 

“We believe creative communities are stronger communities, and if we can help connect kids with art,

that’s a good thing.”

The children will experience working with a range of materials, including Alcoa’s metal, aluminium.

Aluminium, described as the ‘miracle metal’ for its versatility, features in 12 sculptures in this year’s

outdoor exhibition. 


“The Alcoa School Education Program is one of a range of ways Alcoa connects with schools. I

believe it is all of our responsibility to help educate the next generation, these children are at the heart

of our communities, and are our future,” Mr Cransberg said.  

Alcoa’s ‘Connecting with Schools’ program brings together a variety of initiatives to complement the

school curriculum, including work with Kids Foundation on safety, Bluearth on health and Alcoa’s own

curriculum based ‘discover alcoa’ that educates around natural resources and industry. 

See for more information.

Photos available from Tuesday

8 March

of school

children at the workshops and with

sculptures on the beach. 

Media contact: 

Michaela Southby 0400 127 427

Media Release

5 March 2010

Corner Davy and Marmion Streets, Booragoon, WA 

PO Box 252 Applecross WA 6953


+61 (0)8 9316 5208  f +61 (0)8 9316 5662

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