Memorial Lecture Honours Champion Of Cultural Relations Between Australia And India

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23rd March 2010, 05:19pm - Views: 1292

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Memorial Lecture Honours Champion of Cultural Relations Between Australia and India

MELBOURNE, Mar. 23 /Medianet International-AsiaNet/ --

    The Inaugural Dr Martand Joshi Memorial Lecture will be held in Melbourne on the evening of Wednesday

April 14 to honour a champion of cultural relations between Australia and India. 

    Professor Tony Adams*, an international education consultant and former senior academic, will reflect on

the past 25 years in his address 'Reflections on International Education: the sale and purchase of dreams'.

Particular note will be made of recent events including the Global Financial Crisis, Indian students in Australia

and the new competitive world of international education.

    This event will recognise Dr Joshi's contribution to numerous cultural, religious, professional and community

organisations in his role as Honorary Consul of India in Victoria and as International Cultural Adviser for

CQUniversity's Melbourne and Sydney international campuses, before his death in May 2009. 

    He passed away shortly after returning from India, where he had been honoured for his support of


    Dr Joshi was an award-winning academic well regarded for his work in the fields of geochemistry,

mineralogy, crystallography and petrology. He was equally as comfortable around students as he was around

academics, government representatives and dignitaries. 

    Martand was active in establishing a number of cultural and professional organisations in Melbourne,

including the Australia-Indian Society of Victoria. In 1987 the Chancellor of Royal Melbourne Institute of

Technology awarded him the Centenary Medallion for his services to the promotion of education. In

September, 2008 he was conferred with CQUniversity's highest award for recognition of service, the honorary

degree of Doctor of the University. 

    International students frequently sought advice about affordable suburban accommodation, employment

opportunities, the public transport system, immigration problems and issues of public safety and security. As a

Hindu priest he also found time to officiate over the blessing of children, new home sites and marriage


    The Inaugural Dr Martand Joshi Memorial Lecture: 6pm-8pm on April 14 at CQUniversity Melbourne (108

Lonsdale Street). Details: Sue Robinson 

    PHOTO available via 

    Media Contact: 

    CQUniversity Corporate Communications via

SOURCE: CQUniversity Australia

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