Rmit Doubles Emphasis On Primary Maths

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15th March 2010, 07:30pm - Views: 1275

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RMIT doubles emphasis on primary maths

The School of Education at RMIT University has acted on growing community

concerns about primary mathematics by revising all its primary teacher education

programs and doubling the time spent on numeracy.

“It is vital that our primary teacher education graduates are confident and

competent in teaching mathematics and numeracy, so we include relevant courses

in each year of our teacher education program,” Head of School, Professor Annette

Gough, said. “Without this, the engagement of primary school students with

mathematics will not occur.”

Students coming into primary teacher education programs have to have completed

at least Units 1 and 2 of VCE mathematics, and many have completed Units 3 and

4. They then study the following aspects of teaching and learning in mathematics

and numeracy in each year of their four-year program:

Introduction to School Mathematics and Numeracy

Developing a Sense of Measurement, Data, Chance and Space

Developing a Sense of Number

Current Issues and Challenges in School Mathematics Education  

These courses have been designed to complement both VELS and the directions

of the Australian curriculum.

The mathematics education area at RMIT is led by the highly regarded

mathematics educator, Professor Di Siemon, who has worked on the development

of numerous mathematics curriculum statements, including VELS. 

Professor Siemon’s research on scaffolding numeracy in the middle years

underpins the teaching of numeracy in Victoria, Tasmania and South Australia.

This project built on her previous leadership of the Primary Numeracy Research

Project and the Middle Years Numeracy Research Project. 

The School of Education has also introduced a double degree program with the

School of Applied Sciences to graduate mathematics and science teachers for

primary and secondary schools. 

“Although only in its third year, with the first students graduating at the end of 2011,

this program is designed to meet the growing need for qualified mathematics and

science teachers,” Professor Gough said.

For more information or interviews: Professor Annette Gough, 0400 816 129,

or Professor Diane Siemon, 0419 329 880.

For general media enquiries: RMIT University Communications, David

Glanz, (03) 9925 2807 or 0438 547 723.

15 March, 2010   

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