Students Volunteer To Help Billy Puff Along

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3rd November 2010, 01:09pm - Views: 1366

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3 November 2010


On Thursday 4 November, a group of five Holmesglen second year Bricklaying students will be working with

their teachers to voluntarily repair heritage brickwork on the turntable of the Puffing Billing track at Emerald.

Students will be at the site, Puffing Billy Place, Emerald, from 9am and will work throughout the day.

Puffing Billy is a century-old steam train, still running on its original mountain track from Belgrave to

Gembrook in the scenic Dandenong Ranges. The Railway is the major survivor of four experimental lines

used to develop rural areas in the early 1900s. Puffing Billy is now a major tourist attraction and its operation

depending on hundreds of dedicated volunteers.

Teacher Duncan Todd said, “It’s a great opportunity for students to get out of the classroom and work on

something unique”. 

Holmesglen provides various opportunities across its courses for students to gain real life, hands on

experience. Last week Holmesglen’s Trowel Trades Department also held an industry night focused on the

dying skill of heritage restoration work. 

Holmesglen is proud to work with industry and heritage professionals to raise awareness of heritage

materials and the need to preserve our historical buildings and street scapes. “One way that we can assist

with heritage work is through our training programs and also acting as a conduit for the dissemination of

skills and knowledge about heritage buildings and their preservation” said Henry Pook, Associate Director for

the Building Industry Training Centre.


For more information or to arrange an interview, please contact:

Jessica Whiteman, Public Relations Officer

T +61 3 9564 2072   M:   0407 351 485   F +61 3 9564 1812 


About Holmesglen

Renowned as a centre of excellence for the

design and delivery of education and training services,

Holmesglen is one of the largest providers of higher and vocational education in Victoria, with over 50,000

students across three campuses at Chadstone, Moorabbin and Waverley.

Offering over 600 programs across eleven study areas, including degrees, graduate certificates advanced

diplomas, diplomas, certificates, pre-apprenticeships, apprenticeships, short courses and the Vocational

College, offering an alternative to VCE.

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