44 Gallons Internships Takes Aim At Crucial 'workplace Experience' Market Gap

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24th June 2010, 08:00am - Views: 1198

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44Gallons Technology

L7, 36 Carrington St, Sydney NSW 2000

T. +61-(0)2- 82146344 F. +61-(0)2- 82146334



An innovative new business program aimed at placing some of the ‘brightest and best’

Accounting, IT and Engineering national and international graduates into internships with a

cross section of key Australian companies has been launched by the cutting edge business

development company 44 Gallons Internship Pty Ltd. The placement is free of charge for the

host company and graduate remuneration is based on company’s minimum wage policy.

The aim is simple: to provide a choice of highly motivated, trained graduates to the industry workplace

following their successful completion of a 44 Gallons ‘Internship Ready Workshop Program’ – a

managed and structured program designed to prepare them for the realities of the workplace


“Essentially we act as a ‘quality filter’ between the employer and the employee – we sort the ‘wheat

from the chaff’ to provide high quality and committed graduates as interns to a company,” 44 Gallons

Technology managing director Katherine Smith said.

“For the company involved, it is a low cost, dedicated human resource that compliments their existing

recruitment initiatives and, essentially, adds value to their organisation,” Ms Smith said. 

“The graduates are investing to their future by taking part of our workshop program and we don’t

charge any placement fees for the host companies. So it is a win-win outcome for both the employer,

who acquires a quality, low cost new intern, and the employee who has the opportunity to apply his

knowledge and skills to the rigours of the daily workplace,” she said.

“There has definitely been a gap in the professional market. Companies demand graduates with

understanding and experience of the workplace, and graduates need to have this workplace experience

to gain entry to the market. Our intense 35 hour course bridges this gap.

“It puts highly qualified graduates through a structured workplace ‘transitional’ program where they are

given training in the complexities of the Australian workplace. They must meet all the requirements

before intern placement,” Ms Smith said.


23 June 2010

People Employment 44Gallons Internship 2 image

44Gallons Technology

L7, 36 Carrington St, Sydney NSW 2000

T. +61-(0)2- 82146344 F. +61-(0)2- 82146334

She said Human Resource departments of companies are often inundated with applications and

enquiries from hundreds of graduates every year and processing them is time consuming, resource

intensive and costly.

“Many companies receive thousands of applications annually for their graduate programs which are an

immense process and require very heavy recourse to whittle these down to the most suitable.” 

“With our intern placement program, we can assist human resources departments by providing a

selection of interns that have been trained and prepared for the workplace, thus alleviating some of the

pressure,” Ms Smith said.

She said the 44 Gallons Intern Program:

*Connected the business sector with highly motivated graduates

*Complimented a company’s existing human resource evaluation strategies

*Had no placement fee for the host company 


Required minimum wage remuneration according to host company policy 

*Was a quick, low risk, low cost and new resource for the Accounting/IT/Engineering industries

*Provided medium (6 months) and long term (12 month) intern placements

*Offered an enthusiastic, highly educated and motivated employee trained for the workforce


“The transition between tertiary education and entry to the workplace has always been difficult for both

sides of the equation. With our Internship Ready Workshop Program the aim is to bridge that gap,

bringing industry and graduates together for a result that benefits them both,” Ms Smith said

For more information please visit www.44gallonsinternship.com

44 Gallons Internship Pty Ltd provides quality internship placements, with Australian companies, to international and local

graduates with Australian VET and Higher Education qualifications. 44 Gallons Internship is part of 44GallonsGroup creating

smarter solutions for small business users from web and brand building technology to innovative internship and training

Media information contact: Satu Raunola, Finnesse Communications Tel 02 9929 6044 Mob 0411 545 617 Email


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