Australia's Unemployment Rate At 5.7 Per Cent In November 2009: Abs

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10th December 2009, 03:36pm - Views: 955

December 10, 2009

Embargo: 11.30am (AEDT)


Australia's unemployment rate at 5.7 per cent in November 2009: ABS

The Australian seasonally adjusted unemployment rate was 5.7 per cent in November, as

announced by the Australian Bureau of Statistics today. The unemployment rate fell 0.1 per cent,

from 5.8 per cent in October. 

The number of people employed in November increased by 31,200 (0.3%) to 10.868 million,

seasonally adjusted, the ABS reported. The rise in employment was driven by a rise in full-time

employment, up 30,800 to 7.627 million.

The ABS reported the seasonally adjusted number of people unemployed decreased by 13,300 in

November, standing at 653,100.

The ABS seasonally adjusted monthly aggregate hours worked series showed a rise in November,

up 13.4 million hours (0.9%) to 1,536.3 million hours.

The ABS participation rate in November was 65.2 per cent, seasonally adjusted.

The ABS seasonally adjusted labour force underutilisation rate was 13.5 per cent in November,

down 0.1 per cent from August.

More details are available in the November 2009 release of Labour Force, Australia (cat. no.

Media Note: When reporting ABS data you must attribute the Australian Bureau of Statistics

(or ABS) as the source.


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When reporting ABS data, the Australian Bureau of Statistics (or ABS) must

be attributed as the source

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