Bupa And Aged Care Emerge As First Choice For Nursing Graduates 1

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18th November 2009, 08:26pm - Views: 1844


17 November 2010

Bupa and Aged Care emerge as first choice for nursing graduates

Bupa Care Services has been overwhelmed by the response from nursing professionals to the launch of

their Graduate Nurse Program, receiving over 250 high calibre applications from those seeking a

springboard into the renowned international healthcare company.

Aiming to fill 20 full time Registered Nurse places in 2010, the newly created program forms part of an

innovative approach by the leading aged care provider to attract and retain quality nurses and combat

the well publicised shortage within the sector.

Ian Burge, Bupa Care Services Operations Director said: 

“Clinical leadership is so important for the future direction of aged care and is essential

if we are to

continue to achieve our vision of delivering highly-individualised person centred care.  

“The Graduate Nurse Program seeks to identify and nurture the potential talent

that is required to

ensure this objective continues to be realised.” 

Bupa Care Services employs approximately 950 Registered Nurses across Australia and also has aged

care businesses in New Zealand, UK and Spain.  

The graduate program initiative sees an investment of $160,000 over 3 years (excluding wage costs)

into the ongoing development of the successful candidates.

“Bupa’s size means we are able to offer our nurses genuine career pathways” says Ian, “Having this

advantage coupled with a rapidly expanding aged care industry means that really exciting opportunities

are being created. 

“The fact that we received 180 applicants in NSW alone suggests word is spreading”

“Aged care has suffered from a poor perception amongst the nursing community for far too long,” says

Ian. “It is an industry wide responsibility to face these staffing challenges head on and this program

reinforces the commitment Bupa Care Services is making to the development of future clinical leaders.

“We expect our graduate nurses will be competent and confident to lead a team in the delivery of high

quality person centred care by the end of the first 12 months and the possibilities from there are


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For more details contact:

Stephen Druce

Bupa Care Services

P. 0407 077 230

E. Stephen.Druce@bupacare.com.au

People Feature Bupa Care Services Australia 2 image

About Bupa Care Services

Bupa Care Services is a leading provider of residential care homes for older people in Australia. 

As part of the international Bupa Group, Bupa Australia draws on the strength and expertise of

an international healthcare leader.

Bupa Care Services delivers highly-individualised person centered care through its award-winning

Personal Best initiative.

It operates 47 residential care homes with 3900 registered beds in Australia.  

Approximately 55 percent of people living in our aged care facilitates are diagnosed as having

some form of dementia.

About Bupa

Bupa is a leading international healthcare company. Established in 1947, it has over ten million

customers in more than 190 countries and employs over 52,000 people around the world.

Its main interests are health insurance, care homes for young disabled and older people, workplace

health services, health assessments and chronic disease management services, including health coaching

and healthcare services in the home.

While Bupa’s largest and original business is in the UK, it has significant operations around the world

including Sanitas in Spain, MBF, HBA, Mutual Community in Australia, IHI in Denmark and Health Dialog

in the US. Bupa also has businesses in Hong Kong, Thailand, Saudi Arabia, India, China and Latin

America. In addition, Bupa Care Services owns care homes in Spain, Australia and New Zealand.

Bupa has no shareholders. We reinvest our money to provide better healthcare for our customers,

helping them to live longer, happier, healthier lives.

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