Child Protection 'turnover' Can Be Solved - Says Cpsu

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26th November 2009, 02:18pm - Views: 1060

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People Feature Community & Public Sector Union - Victoria 2 image

representing state employees since 1885

representing state employees since 1885


Child Protection: 


The Premier literally conceded defeat on his government’s ability to reduce staff

turnover in child protection this morning on 774 Melbourne.

Union members in CP have not given up exploring solutions and have been

campaigning for these changes over many years.

Attracting and retaining staff requires better pay and a revised career

structure to ensure case workers don’t have to become management to

advance their pay.

Rural areas warrant special allowances like those received in DPI and DSE as

a specific pay boost given the nature and the isolation of the work.

There must be a caseload ceiling and a limit per child protection worker.

One case should equal one child irrespective of family or other models of


Hundreds of new staff is required to meet the workload particularly the

administrative support required to meet the statutory court demands.

CPSU's submission to the Ombudsman.

CPSU has emphasised workforce and health and safety issues, not practice ones as

the convergence of each demands an industrial settlement for the workforce.

Media Enquiries:

CPSU Assistant State Secretary Jim Walton on 0419 136 947.

Thursday, 26 November 2009

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