Collaboaration Between Business & Welfare Key To Getting Disadvantaged Into Work

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30th August 2010, 02:51pm - Views: 1143
Collaboaration Between Business & Welfare Key to Getting Disadvantaged Into Work

Launching the Brotherhood's new strategy to bring greater numbers of disadvantaged job seekers into the workforce at today's Business Leaders Luncheon, Executive Director Tony Nicholson called on businesses to collaborate more directly with welfare agencies:

'Our research has shown that success for highly disadvantaged job seekers lies in their participation in an integrated package of training, work experience, and health and welfare support over an extended period of between nine and eighteen months all tied to a job offer from an employer.

'This is what we call the Intermediate Labour Market strategy. It provides people with real foundational skills like literacy, numeracy and understanding of the world of work. It gives people the work experience, accredited training and flexible help that allows them to look after children, deal with health problems, get adequate housing and develop personal resilience. Ultimately it offers highly disadvantaged Australians a clear line of sight to a decent job through a deal with an employer.

'Over recent years the Brotherhood has piloted this approach with outstanding results. In do so we have assembled authoritative evidence that busts the myths that highly disadvantaged Australians can't or don't want to work in mainstream jobs

'With the prospect of labour shortages around the corner far-sighted employers will start early to safeguard their businesses against this risk.

'The Intermediate Labour Market provides employers with a pro-active strategy for ensuring they have well prepared people ready to fill vacancies when they occur' said Mr Nicholson.


* In July 2010, whilst Australian unemployment remained reasonably steady at 631,800 (5.3%), the number of long term unemployed had climbed to 110,000. (ABS, July 2010).
* Youth unemployment stands at 18%. (ABS, July 2010)
* Over the past year vacancies in skilled jobs increased by 18%, and across all occupational types by 13%. (DEEWR August 2010)

Media enquiries:
Johanna de Wever
(0424) 751 920
email [email protected]

SOURCE: Brotherhood of St Laurence

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