Get A Real Job: How Do We Change The Perception Of The Service Industries?

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16th February 2010, 06:56pm - Views: 1174

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For further information contact:


Lizzie Senior


Communications Manager

Contact phone:

(02) 8243 1200

Get a real job: how do we change the perception of the

service industries?

The service industries are often perceived as low-skilled, low paying jobs that offer no

more than an ‘in the mean time’ job on the way to a more rewarding career.

The reality is there are a wide range of job roles requiring different skills, offering flexible

employment options and clear paths for progression into complex, diverse and

challenging roles.

On 1 March 2010, Service Skills Australia will host an open discussion session, facilitated

by Jenny Brockie, to debate where the problems lie and what needs to change. 

To ensure the success of these industries into the future, we need to ensure they are

viewed as offering long-term, viable career pathways” said Jeanette Allen, Service Skills

Australia CEO.

The discussion will bring together industry leaders, government and training

organisations to engage in this important debate about the industries which employ 2.4

million people and represent nearly a quarter of Australia’s workforce. 

The discussion will take place at 2.30-4.00pm at the Sydney Convention Centre Darling

Harbour, as part of the Service Skills Australia National Conference. Attendance is free

however registrations are essential. Registrations are available at:

Service Skills Australia is the national industry skills council for the service industries.

Service Skills Australia develops the standards for nationally recognised training in the

service industries including tourism and hospitality, sport, fitness and recreation and

whole, retail and personal services.

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