Group Training's Work With Small Business Recognised In Major Award

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9th July 2010, 05:38pm - Views: 1230

People Employment Group Training Australia 2 image

Patron - Her Excellency Ms Quentin Bryce AC Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia

GTA is the national peak body representing the network of over 150 Group Training Organisations (GTOs) employing

apprentices and trainees throughout Australia.

9 July 2010

Group training’s work with small business recognised in

major award

Group Training Australia (GTA), representing the single largest network employing

apprentices and trainees,

has been recognised for its work with small businesses across

Australia, with the receipt of an important small business award.

GTA was presented with the Council of Small Business Organisations of Australia

(COSBOA) “Small Business Champion” award at the National Small Business Summit in


The award

was presented by Deputy Prime Minister and Federal Treasurer,

Wayne Swan.

COSBOA says the award is in recognition of the service and support provided by the group

training network to the small business community across Australia. 

GTA Chief Executive Officer, Jim Barron, said the award is a fitting reminder of the

contribution of scores of group training managers, field officers and support staff across the


“In many regional communities the local group training organisation is often the single largest


“There are more than

150 group training organisations serving metropolitan, regional, rural

and remote communities with most maintaining the original not-for-profit structure, managed

by voluntary boards comprising community and industry representatives.

“A large percentage of group training’s host employers have five or less employees, so the

group training model is one ideally suited to small and micro enterprises.

“I would like to sincerely thank COSBOA for this award and express my appreciation to all of

those in the group training network who are working so hard to support our apprentices and


Media Contact:

Bob Bowden, Foresight Communications, 02 9241 2811, 0412 753 298,


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