Inghams Plans For Rebuild Of The Somerville Processing Plant

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12th February 2010, 02:28pm - Views: 1074

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Media Statement 

Friday, 12 February, 2010

Inghams Plans for Rebuild of the Somerville Processing Plant

With the support of the Victorian State and Local Governments, Inghams Enterprises has decided to

reinvest in Somerville and rebuild its processing plant, which was extensively damaged by fire on 

11 January. 

Inghams management met Minister for Regional and Rural Development and Minister for Industry

and Trade Jacinta Allan and her staff last week to seek the State Government’s support for the site’s

long-term sustainability. 

“We are very pleased to be able to announce we will rebuild at Somerville, given the commitment

we have received from the Brumby Government,” said Director Group Services, John Hexton. 

“Our preference was to remain in the Mornington peninsula, particularly given the impact on our

employees and their families, our suppliers, the local community, the investment contract growers

have made in their businesses and the company's investment to date,” Mr Hexton said. 

“Fortunately, we will be able to retain more than half of our 650 staff, which is something we have

worked hard to achieve. Of those, about a third are already working at alternative sites, while the

balance will remain on the payroll. 

Unfortunately, about 300 staff would be made redundant. Mr Hexton confirmed Inghams had put in

place support services to assist all staff during this difficult period.  Inghams will increase its

employment numbers once the plant is rebuilt.

“We have had extensive discussions with the NUW and thank Antony Thow, the State Secretary for

his support over the past weeks,” Mr Hexton said

“It’s important to note that once the new plant is up and running, there will be new employment

opportunities for the local community,

“We thank our employees and customers for their understanding and co-operation during this

challenging time,” Mr Hexton added.  

The rebuild is expected to take about 12 months. During this time Inghams will continue production

at other sites.


Issued by Publicis Life Brands on behalf of Inghams Enterprises

Media Inquiries: Emma Norgrove –

Ph: (02) 9006 2941

M: 0405 507 556

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