KATE ENGLER 0412 526 851
The Titanic is one of historys best known project failures, and the mystery surrounding what happened,
what went so horribly wrong remains a fascination today are our Community Services and Health sectors
heading for the same disaster?
When the Community Services & Health Industry Skills Council realised that these sectors did not know to
avoid disasters in Australia it brought in an expert to teach them how to avoid the icebergs before it is too
Author and highly sought-after international speaker, Mark Kozak-Holland has developed the Lessons from
History series to help others avoid catastrophic failures, large and small. In Australia for the first time,
Mark will use the Titanic disaster to help save the community services and health sectors.
Mark Kozak-Holland helps Fortune-500 companies formulate projects that leverage emerging
Lessons from the past assist projects of today to shape the world of tomorrow. The series uses relevant
historical case studies to examine how historical projects and emerging technologies of the past solved
complex problems. It then draws comparisons to challenges encountered in today's projects.
Growth in demand for the Community Services and Health industries (CS&H) is driven by pressure for
workforce growth and heightened by the pressure of an ageing workforce and our ageing population.
The sector must learn how to avoid disasters in order to effectively benefit all Australians both now and
into the future.
Mark has traced the evolution of technology and the three industrial revolutions of the last 300 years.
Research by the Community Services and Health Industry Skills Council reveals that typically across these
industry sectors, managers emerge from within the ranks of practitioners and often do not bring with them
well developed formal management skills. This has potential disaster written all over it. Explains Robin
Flynn, Research and Policy Manager with the Community Services & Health Industry Skills Council.
Whilst Project Management is just one approach of general business skills required by the industry,
effective planning should used by a broad range of workers. From coordinators and nurse practitioners
through all levels of management, anyone who has ever been tasked with getting the job done will benefit
learning these strategies. The Industry Skills Council has brought Mark to Australia to support the sector in
planning successfully for all of our sakes. He said
In his first visit to Australia, Mark Kozak-Holland will conduct a series of Lessons from History workshops for
the Industry Skills Council in Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane.
To schedule an interview or to get more information on Marks tour, please call KATE ENGLER on 0412 526
851. Biography and fact sheet also available.