Memo To All School-leavers: Know Your Workplace Rights!

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9th November 2009, 09:45am - Views: 854

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Fair Work Infoline: 13 13 94 

Media Release

     9 Nov 2009

Memo all school-leavers: know your workplace rights!

School-leavers are being encouraged to check their workplace rights if they intend taking

jobs over summer.

Fair Work Ombudsman Nicholas Wilson says knowledge is the best defence for young

workers against being unwittingly short-changed. 

“When you’ve just left school, every dollar counts,” he said.

“Often the excitement of the first pay packet and a lack of understanding of the laws that

protect them can leave young workers vulnerable to unacceptable workplace practices.”

Mr Wilson says there are some important things that first-time workers should know,

particularly 15-18 year-olds starting their first job.   

“For example, every worker should receive a payslip, unpaid work trials are generally

against the law and having money deducted from your wages if the cash register is short

or customers have damaged stock is illegal,” he said. 

“Entering the workforce should be a positive experience, and we’re here to help empower

young people to ensure that is the case.

“It’s as simple as picking up the phone and calling our national Infoline on 13 13 94 to

speak with one of our Fair Work advisers.

“We have also dedicated a section on our website – to assist young workers, either by downloading

information or chatting live on-line with an advisor.”

Mr Wilson says young workers should keep a simple work diary to keep track of their shifts

and their pay, noting the date, start and finishing time, meal breaks and the name of their


“A record of events such as this can be extremely helpful in resolving issues that may arise

down the track,” he said.

Over the next month, tens of thousands of post-cards alerting students to their workplace

rights will be distributed in areas populated by young people, including  cafés, cinemas and

shopping centres.

Last year the Fair Work Ombudsman audited 400 businesses primarily employing young

workers and recouped $634,000 for 1700 young employees who had been underpaid.

The Fair Work Ombudsman promotes harmonious, productive and co-operative

workplaces, monitors compliance and investigates breaches of national workplace laws.

Media inquiries: 

Craig Bildstien, Director Media & Stakeholder Relations. 0419 818 484.

Ryan Pedler, Senior Adviser Media & Stakeholder Relations. (03) 9954

2561, 0434 365 924.

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