New Coalition Calls For Factory Rebuild

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29th January 2010, 09:01am - Views: 1033

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29 January 2010


The Nation Union of Workers, the Victorian Farmers Federation and the Mornington Peninsula

Shire have joined forces to encourage Inghams Enterprises to rebuild its Somerville chicken

processing plant destroyed by fire two weeks ago.

At a mass meeting of workers in Frankston today, NUW Victorian Secretary Antony Thow said

the factory was an enormous economic generator on the Peninsula.

“Six hundred workers and their families have been affected by the closure, and hundreds more

farmers, suppliers and support businesses will be impacted,” Mr Thow said.

“This is a massive blow to the Peninsula and the chicken processing industry and we need to

do all we can to save the factory and the jobs.”

“It’s great to get the support of the VFF and the Mornington Peninsula Shire, but we need the

company to commit to a final decision to rebuild at Somerville. 

“The workers don’t want redundancies, they want their jobs at a rebuilt Somerville factory.”

Mr Thow said Inghams had indicated they would make a decision on whether to rebuild within

two weeks.

VFF Chicken Meat Group Manager, Ian Blyth said there were 42 growers contracted to


“Our members operate family farms and have done so in some cases for generations,” Mr

Blyth said.

“These growers are concentrated in the Mornington Peninsula region and, like the employees

of Inghams, are facing uncertain futures. Any loss of income will have a severe impact on the

region,” he said

The Inghams Somerville factory processed more than 600,000 chickens a week for customers

including KFC and Woolworths. 

Mornington Peninsula Shire yesterday facilitated a meeting of stakeholders including the

NUW, the VFF and various State Government agencies.

A mass meeting of 600 Inghams workers will take place at the George Jenkins Theatre,

Monash University – Peninsula campus on Friday 29 January at 10.00am. NUW’s

Antony Thow, VFF’s Mike Shaw and the Mornington Peninsula Shire will available for a

doorstop after the meeting at 11.00am.


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