Newspaper Ads Call On Gillard To Save Local Jobs

People - Employment Press Release
10th June 2009, 12:42pm -
Views: 826
National Newspaper Ads Plead to Julia Gillard: Save Our Jobs
Concerned workers from Laverton-based Independent Distillers today launched a series of newspaper advertisements pleading with Deputy Prime Minister Julia Gillard to protect their jobs by opposing the Federal Government's so-called 'alcopops tax'
The advertisements appeared in national and local newspapers and follow a staff protest march to Ms Gillard's electorate office last week.
Staff spokesman Marco Luise said that if allowed to pass through the Senate, the proposed tax increase could force the closure of their company's factory and put 135 people out of a job.
"We've written to Ms Gillard, we've sent a delegation to her office and now we are taking our fight to the community through these ads as well as gathering signatures for a petition to Federal Parliament," Marco said.
"The tax does nothing to address binge drinking. People are merely substituting other, strong forms of alcohol. All this tax is doing is making the hard-working men and women of our business very nervous about their futures."
For more information:
Andrew Turner
0412 060 719.
SOURCE: Independent Distillers