Nsw Economy Strong, Despite What Critics Would Have You Believe

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8th July 2010, 06:10pm - Views: 1197

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Media Release

Unions NSW

8th July 2010

NSW economy in a strong position despite

what critics would have you believe

Unions NSW Secretary Mark Lennon says that contrary to much of the commentary

surrounding the health of the state’s economy today’s unemployment figures are proof that

New South Wales is a good place to work and invest.

Today’s ABS figures show that New South Wales has the second lowest unemployment rate in

the country, with 14,800 jobs having been created in New South Wales over the past month.

These figures, coupled together with ABS figures released last month that show that New South

Wales had the highest level of growth in Final State Demand, are a positive sign of economic

recovery in New South Wales

“Today’s figures show that the New South Wales economy is far healthier than many would

have you believe” 

“New South Wales has the second lowest unemployment rate in the country and is rebounding

well from the global financial crisis.” said Mr Lennon.

The union movement sees further investment in training as the way to further reduce


“The key to reducing unemployment further is to address the skills shortages in the economy.

This means matching people to training and training to jobs.”

“Unions welcome recent federal government announcements regarding training and

apprenticeships and will continue to press for greater investment in training.” said Mr Lennon.

Contact: Stephen Dampf, Media & Communications Officer, 0405 663 466 or 02 9881 5999

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