Nsw Snowfields Audits Reveal High Level Of Compliance

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4th December 2009, 10:30am - Views: 997

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Fair Work Infoline: 13 13 94 

Media Release

       4 Dec 2009

NSW snowfield audits reveal high level of


Eighty-six per cent of employers randomly audited in the NSW snowfields are complying

with workplace laws, the Fair Work Ombudsman has revealed.

Canberra-based inspectors checked the books of 69 businesses in the hospitality,

accommodation and service industries at Jindabyne, Perisher and Thredbo during this

year’s ski season.

They were looking to ensure casual workers – including bartenders, waiters, house-

keepers, reception staff, sales assistants, ski-lift operators, parking attendants, snow

shovelers, ski instructors and nannies – were receiving their proper entitlements.

The targeted campaign followed a similar exercise in the Victorian snowfields last year

which recovered $22,000 back-pay for 38 casual workers who had been short-changed.

Fair Work Ombudsman NSW director Mark Davidson says the latest campaign has

identified around 15 casual and short-term employees who have been underpaid about


Investigations into the underpayments are continuing. 

“We have a flexible, fair approach and our preference is always to work with employers to

educate them and help them voluntarily rectify any non-compliance issues we identify,” Mr

Davidson said.

“Given that the snowfields attract many young, unskilled and inexperienced workers, it

was felt that a targeted education and compliance campaign was warranted.” 

Mr Davidson says it is pleasing that 60 of the 69 employers audited were found to be

compliant with their workplace obligations.

“Most employers had an understanding of the importance of paying at or above award

entitlements to attract and maintain seasonal staff,” he said.

The educational and compliance campaign began with an information seminar for

employers in June, providing employers with information and advice about employee

entitlements and record keeping. 

The Fair Work Ombudsman has a range of user-friendly resources that can help employers

and workers comply with workplace laws and operate their workplace at best practice.

The Fair Work Ombudsman promotes harmonious, productive and co-operative

workplaces. It also monitors compliance and investigates breaches of national workplace


Employers or employees seeking assistance should contact the Fair Work Infoline on 13 13

94 or visit www.fairwork.gov.au. For translations call 13 14 50.

Media inquiries: Craig Bildstien, 0419 818 484. craig.bildstien@fwo.gov.au

Ryan Pedler, 0434 365 924. ryan.pedler@fwo.gov.au

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