Optimism For Illawarra Employment Prospects

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24th November 2009, 02:38pm - Views: 998



Tuesday 24th November 2009

Matthew Tukaki the Regional Manager of Drake International, one of the worlds oldest and largest

employment companies will be in Wollongong this Wednesday talking with staff and meeting clients

about the employment sector in the City and the region. Reflecting on the unemployment figures for the

Illawarra at Drakes annual management conference, Mr Tukaki noted that the Illawarra had not been as

hard hit by the Global Financial Conference as was the case in the recession of 1990 – 1991. 

“The unemployment rate in Wollongong, for example, is relatively stable but we need to ensure that we

look at how many of the unemployed are considered to be long term. The last time I looked at the

figures the average job seeker duration was about 25 months.”  Said Tukaki

“Instead of looking at the figures and saying these are all the reasons for the problem – lets look at it and

say, well if the average is 25 months lets start up-skilling and cross skilling. We should also be looking

at the major industry movements in the area and saying, well ok – if these sectors will recover from Q1

and Q2 2010, lets make sure we have trained and skilled people who can move into new roles.” Mr

Tukaki said. 

“The exciting thing about Wollongong and the Illawarra is its coastal position, proximity to Sydney and,

therefore, lets think about new industries and business that could start up – off the back of every global

financial crisis comes the rise of new industries so why can’t Wollongong and the Illawarra be involved

or lead by example?” Tukaki said. 

Media enquiries:

Drake International

Matthew Tukaki

Regional Manager - Australia

Mb : 0409 707 572


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