Resources Taskforce Sets High Mark In Building Skills For The Future

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1st March 2010, 02:49pm - Views: 1091

People Employment Group Training Australia 2 image

Patron - Her Excellency Ms Quentin Bryce AC Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia

GTA is the national peak body representing the network of over 150 Group Training Organisations (GTOs) employing

over 40,000 apprentices and trainees throughout Australia.

1 March 2010

Resources taskforce sets high mark in building skills for

the future

Group Training Australia (GTA), representing the single largest network employing

apprentices and trainees,

today welcomed the report of the National Resources Sector

Employment Taskforce as a vital step in developing the skills and training needed

to help

build a vibrant mining and resources sector.

The discussion paper, Resourcing the Future,

raises important issues in developing a long

term and sustainable skills base for one of our most important industries.

CEO of Group Training Australia, Jim Barron said the needs of the resources sector over

coming decades warrant a fundamental analysis of where the necessary skills will be

sourced, who will provide them, and what level of training needs to be developed.

“We need to start looking beyond economic cycles and understand that the requirements of

the resources sector will be fundamental to our national prosperity for a considerable time.

“This means ensuring that our training system has the expertise and flexibility to ensure a

steady flow of the best people with the skills that allow us to compete at the highest

international standards.

“Encouraging young people to enter the industry is absolutely critical, as is making sure that

they are equipped to work on a range of resources projects in different locations, with the

maximum flexibility.

“The industry needs to strike a balance between the need for fly-in-fly-out (FIFO)

arrangements in meeting some of the industry’s immediate needs, and the longer term

requirement for a workforce with skills for the future. We shouldn’t resort to short term

measures as an excuse to drop meaningful trades training and skills development,” he said.

“GTA welcomes the approach of the taskforce in opening up a series of possible reform

questions that will need to be addressed if we are to avoid skills shortages that could

threaten our national prosperity.

“It’s an approach that requires all parties to adopt a national, not a sectoral, approach if we

are to get the very best out of our resources industry workforce,” he said.

GTA is a member of the Skills Reference Group of the Taskforce and looks forward to

contributing the views of the group training sector to the consultation process.

Media Contact:

Bob Bowden, Foresight Communications, 02 9241 2811, 0412 753 298,


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