Supporting Older Australians In The Workplace

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9th July 2008, 07:31pm - Views: 1220

People Women Justine Elliot - Minister For Ageing 2 image


Minister for Ageing


9 July 2008


Federal Minister for Ageing, Mrs Justine Elliot, today gave in-principle support to the

Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission's launch of a new community

education campaign to combat discrimination against mature age workers.

"Mature men and women offer a wealth of experience to the workplace and give

employers an opportunity to harness their knowledge and expertise, especially in the

present climate of skills shortages in many industries,” Mrs Elliot said. 

"Australians are living longer and healthier lives and if they chose to remain in the

workforce, have a number of years of productive worklife beyond the traditional

retirement age.

"In fact Australians have the world’s second longest life expectancy after the

Japanese. About 13 per cent of our population (some 2.8 million people) is aged 65

years or older right now. 

“The knowledge, experience and wisdom of these older Australians will help improve

our nation’s productivity.”

Mrs Elliot said the Rudd Labor Government was playing its part in promoting positive

ageing through the appointment of Ms Noeline Brown as Australia's first Ambassador

for Ageing. 

"The work being undertaken by the Ambassador complements this new campaign

and I commend it to employers.

“The Rudd Government has also committed $1.9 billion over the next five years to

provide 630,000 new training places including 238,000 places for job seekers,” Mrs

Elliot said. 

More information about the campaign can be found at and information to assist employers in

understanding their obligations under the Age Discrimination Act can be found at:

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