Advice To News Editors From Keddies Lawyers

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14th June 2008, 12:12pm - Views: 1282

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14 June 2008 


The Sydney Morning Herald has again published articles making the most serious

allegations against Keddies Lawyers based on the word of disgruntled former

employees who are now competitors of the firm.

The allegations are false and Keddies is appalled that a major newspaper would publish

such serious and damaging claims given all of the facts known to the journalists


Lawyers representing Keddies yesterday informed the Sydney Morning Herald that legal

proceedings will commence in the NSW Supreme Court for defamation and warned

against further unsubstantiated claims being published.

Any republication or broadcast of the allegations contained in the Sydney Morning

Herald article by any other media outlet may result in further proceedings.



When approached by the Sydney Morning Herald about the claims, Keddies:

opened its doors to the journalists

provided lengthy interviews and volumes of material to refute the allegations

explained that the three Chinese-speaking former employees had been running

a campaign against the firm since they were dismissed in 2006

explained that the campaign included the employees orchestrating complaints

from clients to the Office of the Legal Services Commissioner (OLSC)

pointed out that every complaint so far dealt with by the OLSC had been

dismissed. There are still some cases to be finalised.

To the firm’s disbelief, much of the material provided to the journalists has either been

misrepresented or ignored.    Keddies will vigorously pursue this matter to defend its


Keddies Contact:

Blyde Communications

Mob:  0400 001915

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