Guild Expands Employment Law Practice

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9th November 2009, 01:41pm - Views: 1448

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Media release

Guild expands employment law practice

Guild Lawyers has expanded its employment law practice, adding

experienced practitioner, Russell Baldwin to its commercial legal team. 

Paul Baker, Senior Solicitor Director, Guild Lawyers, said the move is a result

of strong demand for advice on employment-related issues in the wake of the

implementation of the Fair Work Act and Award changes.

“People are trying to grasp the changing landscape of employment with

tougher laws around unfair dismissal, increased auditing of entitlements, and

a multiplicity of other issues. By adding Russell to the team, we are meeting

the growing demand within our client base on the employment issues being

faced”, Mr. Baker said. 

Russell has substantial experience in all aspects of employment and

occupational health and safety law and has acted for both employers and

employees on a broad range of employment issues. 

For media enquiries contact

Paul Baker - Senior Solicitor Director: (02) 9018 – 4184

About Guild Lawyers 

Established in April 2004, Guild Lawyers operates as a fully integrated legal

practice across its offices in Sydney, Melbourne, Newcastle and Canberra.

Guild Lawyers has a predominance of senior lawyers with specialist

knowledge and experience in their practice areas. Our commercial lawyers

have a reputation for being leaders in their fields of practice and their

comprehensive understanding of the legal issues facing the pharmacy,

healthcare, veterinary, and childcare professions, as well as the aged care


Working with numerous professional associations, Guild’s legal team keeps

informed about the latest developments and regulatory issues these

professions face on a day-to-day basis.

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