I4i Case Heard In Court Of Appeals

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24th September 2009, 07:39am - Views: 1270

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i4i Case Heard in Court of Appeals

WASHINGTON, Sept. 23 /CNW-AsiaNet/ --

     Today, in the United States Federal Circuit Court of Appeals, in Washington D.C., a panel of three judges heard

the appeal of i4i v. Microsoft. This was an appeal from the August 11, 2009 Final Judgment that ruled in favor of i4i

and found that Microsoft had willfully infringed i4i's U.S. Patent No. 5,787,449, issued in 1998.

     At trial, the Final Judgment ordered Microsoft to pay an award in excess of $290 million USD to i4i. The

Honorable Judge Leonard Davis of the Eastern District Federal Court in Tyler, Texas, also issued a Permanent

Injunction against Defendant Microsoft selling its flagship Word product in the USA unless it removes custom XML

which infringes i4i's patent. On September 3, 2009, the Court of Appeals granted a stay of the injunction pending


     Loudon Owen, Chairman of i4i, says, "As we expected, Microsoft repeated the same line of argument that was

unsuccessful at trial. We are confident i4i will prevail." Mr. Owen adds, "This case is critical not just for i4i but also

so all entrepreneurs and inventors can enforce their property rights created by patents. Intellectual property is the

lifeblood of invention."

     Michel Vulpe, Founder and Chief Technology Officer of i4i, says, "We believe the Judge and jury reached the

correct decision at trial, and the damages and injunction were both fair and necessary for i4i." Mr. Vulpe adds,

"We are grateful to our partners, our legal counsel McKool Smith, and Parker Bunt & Ainsworth, and our appeal

counsel from Finnegan, especially the inimitable Don Dunner."

     i4i is a global technology company headquartered in Toronto, Canada.

SOURCE: i4i; McLean Watson

    CONTACT: Loudon Owen - lowen(at)mcleanwatson.com or (416) 307-3271; Melony Jamieson -

melony(at)getitdone.ca or (416) 518-6355


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